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  1. Cartier Valentine's Day 相關

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    卡地亞戒指/手鍊/項鍊/耳環/腕錶,混搭風格更顯個人品味,創造專屬個性,工藝與時尚完美融合。 每一個人生階段都值得紀錄,挑一款專屬的卡地亞精品,讓小紅盒珍藏深刻的回憶,帶給您美好體驗。


  1. Easy returns and exchanges. Share intense and timeless love on this Valentine's Day. Choose an unforgettable Valentine's gift amongst the most iconic and precious of Cartier creations.

  2. {"Jewelry":{"isCarouselView":true,"level0":{"text":"Jewellery","textEn":"Jewelry"},"level1":[{"tabTitle":"Collections","tabTitleEn":"Collections","hideInDesktop ...

  3. 卡地亞的風格演變 嬰孩禮品及玩具 Juste un Clou 卡地亞慈善基金會 Clash de Cartier 手鐲 香味蠟燭 為她獻上的精選腕錶 送給她的手 ...

  4. Tank、Trinity、Juste un Clou、Santos de Cartier、LOVE、Panthère de Cartier、Ballon Bleu七大ICON系列,跨越世代又雋永經典的外型,絕對能滿足每個挑剔的品味 ...

  5. An accessory, a love story. A silk scarf, a Panthère de Cartier bag, or a precious writing instrument: the Maison's accessories inspire love at first sight. Discover the selection. Fragrances. Bags and accessories. Art of living.

  6. {"ALLIANCE":{"maxwidthmobile":"120","maxwidthportraitmobile":"120","maxwidthlandscapemobile":"120","maxwidthportraitipad":"120","maxwidthlandscapeipad":"120 ...

  7. 搜尋. Cartier® Official Website - Jewellery and Watchmaker since 1847. Trinity——百年經典卡地亞慶祝Trinity百年華誕,禮讚各種形式的愛。. 探索此系列. Trinity——百年經典. 卡地亞慶祝Trinity百年華誕,禮讚各種形式的愛。. 探索此系列. 2024年「鐘錶與奇蹟」:邂逅美妙魔法 ...