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  1. Cartier Valentine's Day 相關

  2. 經典珠寶配飾與手錶,隨興混搭彰顯迷人魅力,散發時尚姿態。立即探索更多! 每一個人生階段都值得紀錄,挑一款專屬的卡地亞精品,讓小紅盒珍藏深刻的回憶,帶給您美好體驗。


  1. Easy returns and exchanges. Share intense and timeless love on this Valentine's Day. Choose an unforgettable Valentine's gift amongst the most iconic and precious of Cartier creations.

  2. {"Jewelry":{"isCarouselView":true,"level0":{"text":"Jewellery","textEn":"Jewelry"},"level1":[{"tabTitle":"Collections","tabTitleEn":"Collections","hideInDesktop ...

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 卡地亞的風格演變 嬰孩禮品及玩具 Juste un Clou 卡地亞慈善基金會 Clash de Cartier 手鐲 香味蠟燭 為她獻上的精選腕錶 送給她的手 ...

  5. Tank、Trinity、Juste un Clou、Santos de Cartier、LOVE、Panthère de Cartier、Ballon Bleu七大ICON系列,跨越世代又雋永經典的外型,絕對能滿足每個挑剔的品味 ...

  6. An accessory, a love story. A silk scarf, a Panthère de Cartier bag, or a precious writing instrument: the Maison's accessories inspire love at first sight. Discover the selection. Fragrances. Bags and accessories. Art of living.

  7. {"ALLIANCE":{"maxwidthmobile":"120","maxwidthportraitmobile":"120","maxwidthlandscapemobile":"120","maxwidthportraitipad":"120","maxwidthlandscapeipad":"120 ...

  8. 搜尋. Cartier® Official Website - Jewellery and Watchmaker since 1847. Trinity——百年經典卡地亞慶祝Trinity百年華誕,禮讚各種形式的愛。. 探索此系列. Trinity——百年經典. 卡地亞慶祝Trinity百年華誕,禮讚各種形式的愛。. 探索此系列. 2024年「鐘錶與奇蹟」:邂逅美妙魔法 ...