Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. We believe ultra-processed foods are having an unfavorable effect on our health is because the actor processing foods breaks down the structure of the foods. 我們認為超加工食品對我們的健康產生不利影響是因為,食品在加工的過程破壞了食物的結構。. Often ultra processed foods have very little fiber in them ...

  2. A2 初級 中文 動詞 英語 無所謂 區別 學習 名詞 跟著BBC學英文一起把各種易混淆的用法給一次搞懂! (BOX SET: English In A Minute 4 – NINE English lessons in 8 minutes!)

  3. 這種每四天工作制是否可能成為解決方案,並幫助英國長期存在的低生產力問題呢? I think this trial will be a game changer in terms of momentum in the UK toward a four-day week. 我認為這次實驗將成為英國轉變為實行每四天工作制的重要契機。

  4. 這是 BBC 學英文的新聞回顧節目。. 讓我們來看看我們的第一個標題。. This is from France 24: France enshrines abortion as a constitutional right in historic vote. 這是來自《France 24》:法國在歷史性投票中將墮胎定為憲法權。. So France has put the right to have an abortion into its constitution ...