Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The Nesting Box is an organize/storage box for all Wingspan content and cards (sleeved or unsleeved). This modular box is designed for all past, present, and future content. The first printing of the Nesting Box will contain Wingspan Asia but does not include the Wingspan base game or other expansions. The first printing of the Nesting Box includes: 1 dual-layered, individually numbered box ...

  2. Description. Wargames are games that depict military actions. Wargames are set in a variety of timelines, from the Ancient period to present conflicts and even in the future. Thematically, Wargames cover everything from actions between small units on a very small board to larger, extremely detailed conflicts and even global-scale wars.

  3. Classification. In Hokito, you want to dominate the opponent's pieces--and possibly your own!--to create valuable towers that will score for you at game's end. Each player has 18 pieces--six each with 1, 2, or 3 mark--with one player taking black pieces and the other white. Gameplay takes place on a 6x6 board. To set up, you each spread your 18 ...

  4. to. Normal (include all games for this range) Exact (include games that only support exactly this range) Min Playing Time. (games will take at least this long) Max Playing Time. (games will take at most this long) Board Game Category. Filter on Board Game Category ».

  5. アミグダラの和訳です。英語版のPDFがBGG上になかったので、 同梱されていた英語版ルールブックの画像をスマホで写メして 切り取ったものをMS-Wordで編集し、PDF化しました (そのため、余計な余白が多く、ちょっと見ずらいと思います) もし、誤字脱字、解釈の誤りを発見し、望むなら和訳者 ...