Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 好奇. inquisitiveness uk / ɪnˈkwɪz.ə.tɪv.nəs/ us / ɪnˈkwɪz.ə.t̬ɪv.nəs/ noun. the quality of wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people: Children have an inquisitiveness about the world. 孩子對世界充滿好奇。.

  2. curiosity noun (STRANGE OBJECT) [ C ] something that is interesting because it is rare and unusual. 奇品,珍品;新奇罕有的事物. Cars like mine are curiosities nowadays. 像我擁有的這種車如今實屬罕見了。 I kept this old pot for its curiosity value (= the interest it has because it is unusual). 我留著這個舊罐子,因為它很特別。 習語. curiosity killed the cat.

  3. curious 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. adjective. uk / ˈkjʊə.ri.əs / us / ˈkjʊr.i.əs / curious adjective (INTERESTED) Add to word list Add to word list. B1. interested in learning about people or things around you. 好奇的;好打聽的. I was curious to know what would happen next. 我很好奇想知道接下來會發生甚麽事。 Babies are curious about everything around them. 嬰兒對周圍的一切都很好奇

  4. 【好奇】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:be curious好奇;be full of curiosity充滿好奇;。 漢英詞典提供【好奇】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等 英 漢 詞 典

  5. 好奇 hàoqí 形 curious. 好奇有时 (時)会 (會)引致灾 (災)祸 (禍)。. Hàoqí yǒushí huì yǐnzhì zāihuò. Curiosity can sometimes lead to disaster. 标题中含有单词 '好奇' 的论坛讨论:. 标题中没有含有单词 '好奇' 。. 访问Chinese 论坛。. 帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。. Go to ...

  6. be full of curiosity. 充满好奇; 实用场景例句. 全部. There was much curiosity about what manner of man he was. 他究竟是什么样的人,大家都十分好奇。 柯林斯例句. The interior was shielded from the curious gaze of passersby. 屋子内部被挡住了,以防路人好奇地张望。 柯林斯例句. Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously. 莉兹拿起蓝色信封,好奇地翻过来看。 柯林斯例句. Molly looked at Ann inquisitively.

  7. n. 好奇心; 求知欲; 奇物; 珍品. 词态变化. 复数: curiosities; 实用场景例句. 全部. 好奇心. 奇人. 奇物. 古玩. The museum is full of historical curiosities. 这座博物馆有许多珍奇历史文物。 牛津词典. intellectual curiosity. 求知欲. 牛津词典. ‘Why do you ask? ’ ‘Oh, just idle curiosity (= no particular reason) . “你为什么要问? ”“哦,只是好奇而已。 牛津词典. a certain curiosity to see what would happen next. 想知道下一步会发生什么事的好奇心. 牛津词典.

  8. /ˌkjʊriːˈɑːsɪtiː/ 名詞. 好奇心. "curiosity" 例句. Curiosity motivates children to learn. 好奇心激發孩子學習。 There was so much talk about the new movie that I decided to watch it out of curiosity. 關於這部新電影有很多討論,出於好奇心我決定去看看。 I went inside the room out of curiosity. 出於好奇我走進了房間。 "curiosity" 相關課程教材.

  9. /ˈkjʊriːəs/ 形容詞. 好奇的, 愛探究的. "curious" 例句. Babies are curious about everything. 嬰兒對任何事都很好奇。 I'm curious to hear why you're late this morning. 我好奇你今天早上遲到的原因。 Everyone in the office is curious to know why Mark resigned. 辦公室的大家都很好奇Mark離職的原因。 I've always been curious about my family history, which is why I decided to do a DNA test.

  10. 在英文裡形容對某事物充滿好奇心或感到好奇,有兩種常見的說法,分別是「be full of curiosity about + 人事物be curious about + 人事物」,這裡的 curiosity 指的就是好奇心,名詞,而 curious 則是形容詞,形容好奇的或有疑問的,連接詞通常用 about

  1. 其他人也搜尋了