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  1. 2023年5月27日 · Bacteria, sweat, and dead skin cells can build up and make the skin covering the head of the penis swell. This can lead to itching, a rash, and a discharge under the foreskin. The skin there might ...

  2. 2023年12月17日 · Under the guidelines, a 150-pound adult would need about 54 grams of protein per day. The guidelines mean that, on average: Babies need about 10 grams a day. School-age kids need 19-34 grams a day ...

  3. 2023年8月18日 · An estimated 16 million people -- adults and adolescents -- in the U.S. have alcohol use disorder. The signs of AUD can include: An uncontrollable urge to drink or craving alcohol. Lack of control ...

  4. 2023年1月12日 · Pain is most often grouped by the kind of damage that causes it. The two main types are pain caused by tissue damage (also called nociceptive pain) and pain caused by nerve damage (also called ...

  5. 2023年5月3日 · In 2021, one in nine Americans said they’d been in polyamorous relationships, and one in six said they wanted to try it, according to a study by researchers at the Kinsey Institute. Dating ...

  6. 2023年11月1日 · CT scans use X-rays, which produce ionizing radiation. Research shows that this kind of radiation may damage your DNA and lead to cancer. But the risk is very small – your chances of developing ...