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  1. pp. 101–102, 94. p. 560). In governing smaller-scale commons, nested approaches are often more effective than command-and-control arrangements imposed by a central government authority without consultation of and cooperation with affected A local ...

  2. Description Matthew McNatt: "1. Money is a derivative of predictable access to future goods, services, and productive assets. 2. Money is denominated in particular currencies because there are different sets of future goods, services, and productive assets to which

  3. (Beer S 1975,79,81,83,85,89,94) The VSM is a comprehensive theory of organisation, inspired by the way the brain and autonomic nervous system “manage” the workings of the muscles and organs, in order to sustain its identity as the environment in which it functions changes

  4. Contents. 3. P2P in the Economic Sphere. 3.1.A Peer production as a third mode of production and new commons-based property regime. 3.1.B The Communism of Capital, or, the cooperative nature of cognitive capitalism[22] 3.1.C The Hacker Ethic or ‘work as play’. 3.2 Explaining the Emergence of P2P Economics.

  5. Discussion By Barry K. Gills and Andre Gunder Frank: "It has not been sufficiently appreciated that a theory of cyclical change also includes a theory of shifts of centres in space. In other words, expansion and contraction processes have rarely been stable. This ...

  6. Characteristics Jennifer Gidley on Key Features of Magic Consciousness: Gebser (Gebser, 1949/1985) draws attention to several key features of this structure of consciousness. • Spacelessness, timelessness, unitive interconnectedness, merging with nature; • The

  7. Contextual Quote 1. "We may identify the separate origins of Sumer, Egypt, and the Indus as at some time in the fourth to the third millennia bc. The world system begins with their later confluence. David Wilkinson (1989) dates the birth of "Central civilization ...