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  1. (2024超級購物節)超強神券!有點好用|新光三越百貨

  2. 2024 端午節|禮盒推薦、伴手禮預購 2024新光三越百貨端午節禮盒送禮推薦,推出端午禮品手冊33款獨家優質禮品!特邀3位國宴主廚推出總統級粽子推薦組、結合台南美食X宮廟X文創三大特色,跨界打造兩大禮袋組;有各式五星級飯店名粽、端午禮盒、台灣人氣&日本排隊伴手禮一次買齊,送禮體面 ...

  3. is the official website of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, the largest department store chain in Taiwan. You can find the latest news, promotions, events, and services of SKM, as well as browse and book your favorite restaurants online. SKM offers a wide range of products, from beauty, fashion, luxury, to lifestyle, catering to different needs and preferences of customers. Visit www.skm ...

  4. 【2024母親節】愜意悠遊 度假媽咪|新光三越百貨

  5. 新光三越會員招募中! 尋找命定之人,穿越300萬人找到你, 完成會員資料更新抽新光三越1萬元禮券. 活動詳情. 新光三越LINE 好友限定! 玩賓果解任務刮出驚喜大獎. 即日起-3/31(日)新光三越LINE好友參加「新光三越賓果挑戰賽」 完成任務就有機會刮出iPhone15 Pro、iPad Pro、 skm points 1萬點等驚喜大獎! 點擊下方按鈕馬上參加. LINE加入好友. Baskin Robbins 31冰淇淋,甜點控的最愛! 重棒回歸南台灣!

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  7. Happy Motherˊs Day |特企活動|新光三越百貨