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  1. 抽象態度(一種思考類型,是指人的心智狀況從具體情況轉換 成一般情況) Dr.eye 譯典通片語 give attitude ph. 【俚】耍脾氣,滿臉怒容的拂袖而去 ...

  2. 兌換;翻譯;改寫[(+into)] Turn this sentence into English. 將這句話譯成英文。 13. 驅趕;打發[O] I'll turn you out of the house. 我要把你趕出門去。 14. 阻擋,擊退 They turned the enemy's attack. 他們擊退了敵人的進攻。 15. 賺取,掙得 He's doing odd jobs

  3. 受歡迎;以某種方式接受. 1. 受歡迎 His speech went over well. 他的演講很受歡迎。. 2. 以某種方式接受 How did her speech go over? 人們對她的演講反應如何? 3. 重溫 He went over the article again.

  4. n. 1. 在國外;到國外 My son is still living abroad. 我的兒子仍住在國外。. 2. 在外面;到外面 They usually walk abroad in warm days. 在暖和天氣他們通常去戶外散步。. 3. 傳開;散開 The news spread abroad that a new factory was going to be built in the county.

  5. Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋

  6. 1. 遭遇(敵人);遇到(困難,危險等) I encountered great difficulties in learning English grammar. 我在學習英文文法時遇到了很大困難。. 2. 意外地遇見(朋友等) The first person she encountered was Cyril Scott. 她遇到的第一個人是西瑞爾‧史考特。. vi. 不及物動詞. 1.

  7. 1. 指導,榜樣 All the children followed his lead. 所有的孩子都學習他的榜樣。. 2. 領先地位 [the S] Our team was in the lead at half time. 我們隊在前半場領先。. 3. 領先的程度(或距離) [S] [(+over)] Japan has a good lead over other car-producing countries. 日本遙遙領先其它汽車生產國。.

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