Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. and they would jokingly say, "Wow, Bob, you live in the middle of nowhere!" 他們會開玩笑說 "哇 鮑勃 你住的地方太偏僻了". In English, when we say that someone lives in the middle of nowhere, it's kind of a funny way, basically, to say that they live far from everything, 在英語中,當我們說某人住在荒郊野外時 ...

  2. 我窮到買不起 Whole Food (高價有機超市) 的東西,只能去 Trader Joe's (平價有機超市) 買。. The only apartment I can afford is three buses and two hours away, but this is the only job I could get. 我唯一可以負擔的公寓離公司要兩個多小時的車程,還要轉三次車,但我也找不到其他工作。. I ...

  3. B1 中級 中文 阿滴英文 咖啡 星巴克 單字 焦糖 牛奶 日常英文單字#4【星巴克咖啡】// English Vocabulary: Starbucks Coffee (日常英文單字#4【星巴克咖啡】// English Vocabulary

  4. We believe ultra-processed foods are having an unfavorable effect on our health is because the actor processing foods breaks down the structure of the foods. 我們認為超加工食品對我們的健康產生不利影響是因為,食品在加工的過程破壞了食物的結構。. Often ultra processed foods have very little fiber in them ...