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  1. 2024年5月19日 · Well, my days of justifying my fashion choices are over because the Minecraft 15th Anniversary Collection is here! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th birthday in fitting attire, we’re releasing a very special, limited-edition collection of merch in a variety of styles and never-before-seen designs, exclusive to the Minecraft Shop.

  2. 2023年6月12日 · It's barely been a week, and we're already releasing 1.20.1 for Minecraft: Java Edition.This hotfix update contains fixes for critical issues found in the 1.20 release. Happy mining! Fixed bugs in 1.20.1 Fixed a disk permissions-related crash MC-263244 - The realms invitation icon that appears on the realms button in the main menu is displayed incorrectly

  3. Personalizza il tuo dispositivo con sfondi dedicati a Minecraft, banner per i social media e altro ancora! Vedi tutti gli articoli da collezione. Esplora nuove avventure di gioco, accessori e merchandising sul sito ufficiale di Minecraft. Acquista e scarica il gioco qui o visita il sito per le ultime notizie.

  4. Minecraft 指南:新手建议. Minecraft 之中,世界向您俯首。. 这款方方正正的沙盒游戏游玩方式多样。. 无论您是想挺过漫漫长夜,还是想要构建艺术作品——您的体验由您做主!. 但学习新游戏新技巧有时确实让人苦手。. 对此,我们为您提供了涵盖 Minecraft 所有 ...

  5. Download the Launcher Rediscover the world of Minecraft. Download the Launcher today and pick up where you left off.

  6. 打造更美好的世界. 在村莊和掠奪更新 (Village & Pillage Update) 中,水井已重新改良並擴建,藉此檢討人們現實生活中的水井!. 我們打算與 Minecraft 實況主及玩家一起援助慈善活動:水域使命 - 讓地球上的每個人都有乾淨的水可用!. 瞭解更多. ALL. 栩栩如生的嶄新 ...

  7. 學習線上 安全 適用於家長 適用於教育工作者 購買方式 前往下載 使用禮物兌換碼 商店 返回 商店 遊戲 商店 遊戲 Minecraft 探索屬於您自己的獨特世界、夜間求生,並且憑藉您的想像創造一切 ...