Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 造句與例句 手機版. Find maxim girls s news at google . com. Maxim封面女郎加入maxim封面女郎fans俱樂部. That will be the main public interest in google. 那將是谷歌的主要公共利益所在。. Jeez , frank , you googled another man ' s wife. 天啊,弗蘭克你 google 別人的妻子?. Senior vice president ...

  2. sister中文意思::姊妹…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋sister的中文翻譯,sister的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。I will help you for your sister 's sake .看在你姐姐面上,我來幫你。My sister was the partner of my walks .我妹妹是同我一同散步的伙伴。Tom failed but ...

  3. In only a thousand days, hal and i put together a brand new car .只花了一千個晝夜,哈爾和我就裝配出了一輛嶄新的汽車。And it would be a brand new product for china而且這對中國來說是個全新的產品。 I was told to start a brand new church there我是在那兒

  4. 1.議事日程,會議事項。. 2.記事冊。. 3.【神學】實際行為〔相對于信仰而言〕。. 短語和例子. the first item on the agenda 議程的第一項。. place [put] sth. on the agenda 把某事提到日程上來。. "on the agenda" 中文翻譯 : 在議事日程上. "the agenda" 中文翻譯 : 議題制勝. "action ...

  5. the latest fashion 最式樣。. the latest news 最后消息。. the latest thing 新奇的東西,最發明品。. at (the) latest 至遲。. "and the latest prospectus" 中文翻譯 : 最近一次的招股說明書. "be of the latest style" 中文翻譯 : 最式樣. "it is latest flame" 中文翻譯 : 和"這是最后的火焰 ...

  6. 短語和例子. 從東城搬遷到西城 move from the east city to the west city; 那工廠已經搬遷。. that plant has been relocated.; 搬遷戶 relocated households. "搬遷費" 英文翻譯 : moving cost; removing indemnity. "搬遷戶" 英文翻譯 : a relocated unit or household; households having to move / relocated household ...

  7. 布襪青鞋⑥約,但向畫圖尋。 布襪青鞋為長吏,白榆青杏種春城。 布襪青鞋負此生,長對畫圖空懊惱。 僑居無地寄生涯,布襪青鞋著處。布襪青鞋約,但向畫圖尋。 鑒水邊,云門外,有誰人布襪青鞋?休問吳宮暗綠苔,越國在殘陽翠靄。 ⑥布襪青鞋:本指平民百姓之裝束,此處借指棄官隱居,語 ...

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