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  1. 線上英文補充教材 Level 1 Unit 04 Express yourself Reading Exercise Vocabulary Do You Like to Eat Out? A few businesses seem to be recession-proof. It really doesn't matter times are good or bad. People will still eat out, they'll still drink alcohol, and they ...

  2. 線上英文補充教材 Level 8 Unit 08 Happy Days Vocabulary Grammar Review Exercise Vocabulary misgivings – a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension. warmed up to – getting started to heat up, making self ready. absurd – utterly or obviously senseless ...

  3. 線上英文補充教材 Level 5 Unit 08 Fable Telling Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Vocabulary Fable – a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters Moral – conforming to the rules of right conduct Author – the maker ...

  4. 內容 第一檔 上檔時間:2013/0615-0712 主標:孩子放暑假!是要去玩呢?還是該去補美語? 副標:隨時隨地上美語,想去哪裡都可以 ~ ~ 主打內文:快樂的暑假,永遠是孩子最美的回憶!(圖示) 快樂童年V.S暑期加強美語 只要有網路,心願不衝突。

  5. 線上英文補充教材 Level 4 Unit 14 Movies Dialogue Exercise Dialogue (Buying tickets) Clerk : Hi. How can I help you? Customer : Oh, hi. I'd like to buy two students tickets for the Harry Potter and the half blood prince. Clerk : O.K. What time do you want 8: ...

  6. 線上英文補充教材 Level 2 Unit 08 Looking Back Last Weekend Personal History & Memories Last weekend Weekend Sports (In the restaurant, two friends speaking) Susan : Oh, this is lovely. Would you like to try some? Christine : No thanks, Susan. I'm No, I ...

  7. 線上英文補充教材 Level 4 Unit 03 Leisure Time TV Watching Vocabulary TV Watching I don't understand my parent when they tell me I watch too much TV. I hardly watch any at all : I'm too busy studying all week to have any time for television! But when I'm ...