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  1. 2024年6月3日 · Contextual Quote Consilience Definition: “In science and history, consilience is the principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can "converge" on strong conclusions. That is, when multiple sources of evidence are in agreement, the conclusion can ...

  2. = Game B is a loose network of individuals and group that want to help transition to a world civilization based on non-zero-sum games that can live harmoniously within planetary boundaries; it has a core of individuals involved like Daniel Schmachtenberger, Jordan ...

  3. Description 1. "Contraptor is a work in progress aiming to create an open-design construction set, with CNC and Cartesian robots in mind. It consists of perforated aluminum angle of various lengths (Erector-style) and linear sliding elements actuated by belts and ...

  4. 2008年6月10日 · Typology From The main approaches fall into the following categories: Personalized recommendation ...

  5. Various ways to use P2P principles for TV, in particular internet TV developments. See our entry on IPTV, which differentiates this concept from Internet Television.The former refers to the efforts by incumbents to use the internet for the tightly controlled distribution of ...

  6. Description Jan Baeriswyl: "Even if token categories often overlap (a side effect of tokens being programmable money), it seems clear that social tokens are distinct from governance tokens in important ways. The notion of intrinsic community value and the status ...

  7. = Marcie P. Driscoll (2004, 2nd edition) defines rhizome as: a tangle of tubers with no apparent beginning or end. It constantly changes shape, and every point in it appears to be connected with every other point (p. 389). Definition Jeff Vail: "Rhizome takes it name ...