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  1. › app › 962400Granny on Steam

    About This Game Welcome to Granny. Granny keeps you locked in her house and she will not let you go. You wake up in a dark room, you have a headache and it feels like someone have hit you in the head. Mature Content Description The developers describe the

  2. › app › 2897760Steam - 極品采花郎

    關於此遊戲 故事: 你扮演的主角穿越到了異世界的一家醫館雜役鐵柱的身上。為了返回現世,你需要達成一些特殊條件。在達成條件的過程中,你將與美女們朝夕相處一段時日。期間你會瞭解她們的故事,滿足她們的需求,逐漸深入地發展親密關係。

  3. › app › 2456740inZOI on Steam

    "Every life becomes a story" Create your unique story by controlling and observing the lives of 'Zois'. Customize characters and build houses using inZOI's easy-to-use tools to live the life of your dreams and experience the different emotions of life created by its deep and detailed simulation.

  4. 《黑神話:悟空》是一款以中國神話為背景的動作角色扮演遊戲。在游戲中你將扮演一位“天命人”,爲了探尋昔日傳奇的真相,踏上一條充滿危險與驚奇的西游之路。...

  5. Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine. Unleash deadly abilities and devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid swarms. Defend the Imperium in spectacular third-person action in solo or multiplayer modes. Warhammer 40,000 ...

  6. 2024年1月30日 · A decrepit orphanage known as Playcare sits beneath the once magical toy factory. You must make your way through this haunted place, solving new puzzles and avoiding the nightmares that lurk within the dark. Answers lie between the blood-stained bedsheets and screaming echoes... If you can survive.

  7. › app › 1649080Steam - Two Point Campus

    關於此遊戲 你的 U 質 YOU 決定! 是時候徹底顛覆學術圈了!你是孜孜矻矻、好學不倦的資優生嗎?還是你有滿腔熱血,想打造一座前無古人、後無來者的學術殿堂?《Two Point Campus》準備了各式各樣的全新創意工具,要協助你打造你心目中的夢幻大學校園。