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  1. 待命的泰文 待命 là gì 待命的法語:attendre des ordres 待命的日語:待命する.命令を待つ.部隊待命出發/部隊はいつでも出発できる.停止前進,原地待命/前進を止めて,その場で命令を待つ. 待命的韓語:[동사]【문어】 명령을 기다리다.在密林中待命行動;밀림 속에서 행동 명령을 기다리다

  2. 英文翻譯 手機版. (reserved for) special use; for a special purpose. 專用撥款 special appropriation funds; 專用車床 special purpose lathe; 專用車輛 special-purpose vehicle; 專用電話 telephone for special use; 專用碼頭 single user wharf; 專用名詞表 onomasticon; 專用橋 service bridge; accommodation bridge; 專用 ...

  3. They conversed for some time in whispers . 他們竊竊交談了一段時間。 He stayed with the doctor quite a while . 他跟著郎中過了相當長的一段時間。 For some time he feared legal penalties . 有一段時間他擔心受到法律的制裁。 For some time she refused to submit

  4. One of the links of the chain that drives the wheels had snapped . 輪子的鏈條上斷了只鏈環。 I walked to the storeroom, hung the weight on the toilet chain . 我走進堆房,把秤砣掛在水箱鏈條上。 The girl has caught her skirt up in the chain of her bicycle . 那個 ...

  5. 產品外觀 :白色粉末、無結團、無雜色顆粒。. The appearance of the product submits shape of powder granular. 本 產品外觀 呈粉粒狀。. 根據顧客需要,可提供彩色系列產品。. Stuart karten design. 道奇 產品外觀 設計. Product appearance : shipped , milled dry powder . water added before application ...

  6. Fee does not include airport tax , meals , and tips 費用不包括:機場稅餐費小費。 Did he intend us to share the cost of the dinner 他是否有意要我們分擔餐費。 Price does not include meals , optional show , tip 團費不含餐費拉斯維加斯歌舞表演. . Cost does not

  7. 布尾,零碼布的英文翻譯,布尾,零碼布英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯布尾,零碼布,布尾,零碼布的英文單字,布尾,零码布的英文,布尾,零码布 meaning in English,布尾,零碼布怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。