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  1. 電動樓梯椅的缺點 相關

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  1. 2019年8月8日 · Definition. "In P2P search (a.k.a. distributed search), each individual connected to the network serves its local index as a source of search. Instead of having a central company and a central server, each participant of the network is a search repository. Since we are talking about web indexing and web searching, a user's internet cache might ...

  2. 2012年1月15日 · Description. Concept proposed by Stefano Zamagni : "Contributive justice, as opposed to distributive justice, is the responsibility each of us has to contribute to civil society, and to our collective well being. Contributive justice matches a person's obligations with his or her capabilities and role in society."

  3. 2015年6月21日 · Michael Hogan: "David McClelland described two types of power needs, p-power (power needs for personal goals) and. s-power (power needs focused on goals for an institution, a group or a society). While p-power people tend to see life as a zero-sum game in which there are winners and losers, s-power people are regulated by reflective judgment ...

  4. Description. "Welcome to r0g, the collaborative agency for open culture, art and critical transformation currently being formed in Berlin Germany. The agency, initiated by Stephen Kovats, with a team of friends and colleagues including Ela Kagel, Micz Flor and Therese Breyer, is currently being set up. We’ve recently wrapped up our third ...

  5. Theophysics is a vision of “Science as theology”, a conception of Physics as science of the world and science of God. Panikkar’s intent is “to auscultate God in the scientific experience itself and to recognize Him in the most abstract mathematical speculation” (“Introduzione alla teofisica”, Civiltà delle Macchine, Roma 5, 1963).

  6. The "pioneers" include social entrepreneurs, corporate and NGO professionals, civil servants, artists, teachers, and free agents from a variety of cultural and social backgrounds. Founded in 1999, Pioneers of Change today engages over 2000 participants in over 70 countries." Carsten Ohm wrote us: "One of the ways the P2P site is going to be ...

  7. Description. "The Crowdfunding Accreditation for Platform Standards (CAPS) program is an initiative by to promote the adoption of best practices for the operation of crowdfunding platforms globally. Designed to protect both crowdfunders (people pledging or investing capital) and fundraisers (people raising capital), the CAPS ...