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  1. Afraid - (adj.) feeling fear; filled with apprehension. Ex : Peggy is more afraid of cockroaches than spiders. Burp - (n.) to belch; eruct. Jimmy stop it. Ex : I don't want to hear one more burp! Etiquette - (n.) conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.

  2. 線上英文補充教材 Level 5 Unit 13 Ready to Travel Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Grammar Vocabulary Assume - (v.) to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit Ex : When I lent Robert the money, I assumed he'd pay me back as soon as Book ...

  3. 線上英文補充教材 Level 6 Unit 01 Renting an Apartment Dialogue Vocabulary Advertising Dialogue Do you have an apartment available? (Blanca makes a phone call to an apartment complex inquiring about the rent.) Blanca : Hello. I'm calling about the Yes. ...

  4. Vocabulary Ache – pain, to suffer or feel pain. Ex. Head-ache, stomach-ache, tooth-ache, backache, nose-bleed. Infection – the act of infecting means the virus has been multiplying or wide-spreading. Ex. Ear infection, eye infection. Dizzy - Having a whirling feeling and a tendency to fall. ...

  5. 線上英文補充教材 Level 5 Unit 08 Fable Telling Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Vocabulary Fable – a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters Moral – conforming to the rules of right conduct Author – the maker ...

  6. 線上英文補充教材 Level 6 Unit 15 Hit the Road Dialogue Vocabulary / Idioms Reading Dialogue It sounds kind of cheesy!!! Brant : Well, tonight's been an interesting one. Mel : I think you should change the name of the show. Brant : you have any ideas? ...

  7. 線上英文補充教材 Level 5 Unit 12 Culture Shock Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Grammar Vocabulary Barrier – (n.) Something that separates or holds apart. Ex : There are many barriers that stop people from being successful in business. Cemetery – (n.) A ...