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  1. 原則 ,規則,慣例 5. 摘要;法規匯編[P] vt. 及物動詞 1. 創立;設立;制定 institute a society 設立會社 2. 開始;著手 institute legal proceedings 提起訴訟 institute ...

  2. 變淺. 1. 淺的 The lake is quite shallow. 這個湖泊很淺。. 2. 淺薄的,膚淺的 All his books are shallow. 他的書都很膚淺。. 3. (呼吸)淺的,弱的.

  3. 服務,招待,上菜,一份食物 PyDict serve 可作…用,服務,經歷,招待,供應,送交,對待服務,服役,侍應, 適合 PyDict under-served adj. 【美】未受到政府足夠關心的 Dr.eye 譯典通 first come first served ph. 【諺】先來先得 Dr.eye 譯典通片語 serve out ph. 把(食物)分給大家 ...

  4. 1. 獲得;增加;獲利 [U] [C] The baby had a gain of half a pound. 嬰兒的體重增加了半磅。. He served the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss. 他全心全意為公眾服務,從不計較個人得失。. 2. 獲得物;收益,利潤 [C] He escaped to South America with his ill-gotten gains. 他帶 ...

  5. 1. 沖洗;輕洗;潤絲 [(+out)] After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly. 衣服在肥皂水裡洗過之後,要徹底沖乾淨。. 2. 涮,漱 [(+out)] Rinse your mouth with warm water. 用溫水漱口。. 3. 漂掉,沖洗掉 [O] [(+out/away)] Rinse all the soap out of your hair after you wash it ...

  6. 遊蕩者,懶鬼,鬧沒有價值的過遊民生活,免費得到, 流浪乞討 PyDict bum about ph. 游手好閒; 尋歡作樂 I didn't do anything last summer; I just bummed about. 去年夏天我是游手好閒, 什麼正經事也沒做。 Dr.eye 譯典通片語 ...

  7. 食物)營養價值高的;油膩的;味濃的 I don't like rich food. 我不喜歡油膩的食品。 5. 肥沃的,豐饒的 6. (聲音)圓潤的;深沉的;(顏色)濃豔的 He has a rich bass voice. 他有一副深沉的男低音歌喉。

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