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  1. 3) The first meeting of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in 2001 (Wallerstein, 2004b, p. 632). 1968 was symbolic of the emergence of modern utopianism, the origins of the NSMs, and alternative / plural trajectories of social struggles.5 One can see the WSF (P) as a dynamic convergence of this diversity.

  2. Basic Glossary. Multi-Dimensional Observer (MDO)= A psychic who can on regular occasions possibly "witness" psi "energies", and forms like the chakras, subtle bodies, rays, auras, out-of-body experiences, et al. They have key relevance in the potential advance of Multi-Dimensional Science.

  3. Description. "The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement demonstrates how labour can self-organise production, and, as is shown by the free operating system GNU/Linux, even compete with some of the worlds largest firms. The book examines the hopes of such thinkers as Friedrich Schiller, Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Negri, in ...

  4. Category. : Agrifood. This section covers p2p-oriented and relocalization trends in agriculture and food production, as well as food sovereignty and land commons issues. We are in the process of porting the related articles from our Ecology section. First column done so far.

  5. Description. "Lumen is an independent research project studying cease and desist letters concerning online content. We collect and analyze requests to remove material from the web. Our goals are to educate the public, to facilitate research about the different kinds of complaints and requests for removal--both legitimate and questionable--that ...

  6. Massimo Menichinelli: "Stitch Tomorrow is a youth-led fashion microfinance initiative from Philippine, aimed at facilitating South East Asian underprivileged teens with summer sessions in order to make them able to create their own fashion lines with clothes made of recycled materials. Stitch Tomorrow offers them education (in fashion and ...

  7. 2011年4月10日 · Skype, using P2P filesharing principles for telephony : Zennström and Friis, the creators of KaZaa, one of the early and popular P2P filesharing systems, came up with the idea of using P2P to enable free phone calls on the internet, and Skype was born, poised for an extraordinary rapid update.