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  1. 實用商用英文:上班族如何向老闆請假?. 實用商用英文-請假篇1. I feel a little bit homesick. I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week. 我有點想家了。. 我想休息一周與我的家人團聚。. 實用商用英文-請假篇2. I’m afraid I can’t come to work today. I’m not feeling well.

  2. 70 坪 以上ある豪華な規模のモーテルで、個人のプ-ルとエレベ-タ-とか、サウナとか、フランス式シャワー ( Vichy Rain Shower ) とか、気泡ベッドマッサ-ジなど、いろいろあって、争いが激しいです。 今は、モーテルに入って休もうとしなかった人たちでも、家族を連れて入りたくなるほど、豪華に ...

  3. Action movie Horror movie Romantic movie Sci-fi movies Dramatic movies Comedy Movies Animated movies

  4. Ula Hackey is at the movies. Otis is at the museum. Mr. Bascomb is at the bank. Nick is at the garage. Maria is at the hospital. Peter is at the office. Nancy is at the airport. Anne is at the post office. Barney is at the gas station.

  5. Vocabulary misgivings – a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension. warmed up to – getting started to heat up, making self ready. absurd – utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation. ...

  6. Vocabulary Grocery: A store selling foodstuffs and different supplies. Supermarket: larger than grocery store that sells different stuff. Convenience store: small store that sells food and other necessary stuff which is open 24 hours a day. Dialogue 1 Liz : "Hello, could I have some tomatoes please?" ...

  7. Vocabulary Fable – a short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters Moral – conforming to the rules of right conduct Author – the maker of anything; creator; originator Aesop – well known author of fables during the 6th century B.C. ...

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