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  1. 2017年2月13日 · Description. 1. Axel Bruns: Produsage, and, is an idea whose time has come. It builds on a simple, yet fundamental proposition: the proposition that to describe the creative, collaborative, and ad hoc engagement with content for which user-led spaces such as the Wikipedia act as examples, the term production is no longer accurate.

  2. 2008年3月2日 · Description. "OpenFlix provides a directory of movies commonly thought to be in the public domain and works their owners are willing to let be distributed. Public Domain refers to the body of creative works and knowledge in which no person, government or organization has any proprietary interest such as a copyright. These works are considered ...

  3. Description. As mentioned in the Pando white-paper the aim of this project is to : “Offer a distributed cooperation, distribution and valuation infrastructure to Commons Creative Contents (CCC) i.e. any kind of content produced through an open process such as - but not restricted to: Open Source Software, Books licensed under Creative Commons ...

  4. One Earth presents a novel biogeographical framework called Bioregions 2020, which builds upon the world’s 846 terrestrial ecoregional divisions (Dinerstein et al. 2017) to delineate 184 discreet bioregions. Two years in development, with input from an array of field scientists, conservation experts, and geographers, the Bioregions 2020 ...

  5. 2021年5月27日 · To address this feature, Free Software developers are creating peer-to-peer technologies that fully distribute power and privacy down to the end users. The LibreSocial network offers a glimpse of how this can work. There is no need to trust server administrators because the peer-to-peer architecture eliminates them altogether.

  6. Description From the Wikipedia: "Noocracy, or "aristocracy of the wise", as defined by Plato, is a social and political system that is "based on the priority of human mind", according to Vladimir Vernadsky. It was also further developed in the writings of Pierre ...

  7. The "pioneers" include social entrepreneurs, corporate and NGO professionals, civil servants, artists, teachers, and free agents from a variety of cultural and social backgrounds. Founded in 1999, Pioneers of Change today engages over 2000 participants in over 70 countries." Carsten Ohm wrote us: "One of the ways the P2P site is going to be ...