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    ph. 片語

    • 1. 【氣象】豪雨

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  2. 若24小時累積雨量達500毫米以上則稱之為超大豪雨(extremely torrential rain)。 大量的降雨常導致洪澇現象,為臺灣主要天然災害原因之一。 其中又以颱風挾帶之雨量最大,而梅雨季伴隨西南氣流的滯留鋒面亦常為臺灣造成顯著降雨。

  3. Torrential Rain: 24-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 350 millimeters, or 3-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 200 millimeters. Extremely Torrential Rain: 24-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 500 millimeters.

  4. 4 天前 · Rainfall is categorised into three levels in China, with torrential rain defined as 50-99.9mm, a downpour defined as 100-249.9mm, and rainfall of 250mm or more classified as a heavy downpour.

  5. 2022年10月31日 · TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) today (Oct. 31) issued a torrential rain advisory for Taipei, and an extreme torrential rain advisory for Yilan County, and an extreme heavy rain alert for parts of northern and eastern Taiwan as a

  6. 4 天前 · Torrential rain in the megacity of Chongqing in southwestern China triggered mudslides and flooding that killed at least six people and caused widespread disruption, Chinese state media reported.

  7. 2018年11月20日 · They found that climate change had boosted rains within these storms by up to 9% — and that future warming would almost certainly mean more extreme rainfall from similar hurricanes 7.

  8. 2022年10月31日 · Heavy and torrential rain is forecast for north and east Taiwan today due to strengthening northeasterly winds and the peripheral effects of Tropical Storm Nalgae, the Central Weather Bureau said yesterday.