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  1. 夜尿不同于頻尿,頻尿是頻頻上廁所,夜尿是半夜睡眠時,頻頻感覺得需要如廁小便。 The engineer mr . wenmao wang suffered from serious prostatitis and the benign prostatic hyperplasia , urinated 50 - 60 times very night , hadn t any better effect seen many doctors , brought huge pain to life

  2. 夜尿不同于頻尿,頻尿是頻頻上廁所,夜尿是半夜睡眠時,頻頻感覺得需要如廁小便。 The common symptoms : the first is lrritative or obstructive urinary symptoms , including frequent urination , urgent urination , urinate burning pains , urinary incontinence , and urinary stoppage , urine bifurcate , white ...

  3. 例句與用法. Measurement of the hourly urine volume is not by itself a reliable test of renal function . 測每個小時 尿量 ,并不是一種可靠的腎功能檢驗。. Frequent urination and increased amount of urine excretion. 小便頻密及 尿量 增多. Frequent urination and easily getting thirsty. 小便頻密及 尿量 增多 ...

  4. The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear . 保險單內容不包括 正常使用 所導致的損壞。 The effects of non - normal uses of lithium batteries. 非 正常使用 對鋰離子電池的影響. All labeling shall withstand local weather. 所有管路能在所處環境下 正常使用 。 Film tube , long life ( up to 3 years under normal usage )

  5. 從恥骨上膀胱造瘺、手術前后盆底肌肉鍛煉、個體化放尿訓練、預防泌尿道感染、物理療法、個體化排尿及拔管后坐浴、緩解病人的焦慮和緊張等方面對宮頸癌術后恢復 自主排尿 的研究進展進行綜述。 用"自主排尿"造句. 相關詞匯.

  6. I am lustful , because my quality function is normal. 我好色,因為我的性 功能正常. When the lung functions normally , the large intestine does well. 肺的 功能正常 則大腸的功能也正常。. Analysis on the infants of speech delay with chronic secretory otitis media. 外周聽覺 功能正常 伴語言發育遲緩兒童 ...

  7. 夜間英文翻譯: night; nighttime; in the night…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋夜間英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯夜間,夜間的英語例句用法和解釋。.

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