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  1. 台灣美語通成立於2016年2月。 自從創立來,我們的目標一直是提供一個跨國的多功能平台。 我們的第一個宗旨是透過分享我們到台灣每一個角落的旅記的互動與溝通用中文和美語對照格式來為全球網友打開一扇窗。

  2. 台灣美語通成立於2016年2月。 自從創立來,我們的目標一直是提供一個跨國的多功能平台。 我們的第一個宗旨是透過分享我們到台灣每一個角落的旅記的互動與溝通用中文和美語對照格式來為全球網友打開一扇窗。

  3. 線上美語學習 | Sister Lakes/姐妹潭. 09 Wed. Sister Lakes/姐妹潭. Once you reach A-li-shan Gou Hotel, continue going down the trail where it departs from Mian-yue Line.當您走到阿里山閣飯店,繼續走步道,這裡也是和眠月線分道揚鏢的地方。.

  4. The NPM (National Palace Museum), Taipei is one of the largest museums in the world and ranked as one of the top museums alongside British Museum, London and Louvre, Paris.台北故宮是全世界最大的博物館之一,與倫敦大英博物館和巴黎羅浮宮,被列為世界頂極博物館之一。. The Southern Branch of NPM is ...

  5. Sihjhongsi Hot Spring/ 四重溪溫泉. There are attractions, such as Shihmen Ancient Battle Field, requiring only 30 minutes of drive from Kenting. 有的觀光景點從墾丁開車只要30分鐘,例如石門古戰場。. Hot springs are available along the way. The recently established hot spring park has a free foot bath area. 沿路都 ...

  6. Not only.... but also... (不但...也): She loves not only coffee but also tea. 她不但愛咖啡也愛茶。. "Not only" 可以放句前來當強調語氣: Not only does she love coffee but also tea."Also" 有時能省略: She is known not only for her innovations but her unique personality. 她不只是因創新作品, 還有她特殊的 ...

  7. All about food/跟食物有關. Drool Vs. Salivate: Drool 跟 Salivate 是同意字"流口水", 但小有差別, Drool 另外意味著口水不小心流出來了。. 所以當睡覺流口水會用 Drool: I drooled in my sleep last night. 我昨晚睡覺時流口水。. 如果是隱喻性的流口水,兩個通用: That delicious steak made me ...

  8. Shenmu Station/神木車站. The Shen-mu is no doubt one of the landmarks of A-li-shan.毫無疑問,神木是阿里山的地標。. It's still the center of attention for many tourists although it is now laid next to the train station after falling.

  9. 所有筆記經過精心挑選、有效率的書籤式整理、全文手工翻譯加上全自動美語學習工具。 每日推薦字彙 每日精心挑選,共五個等級,每等級十個單字,您可自由變換等級。

  10. There are three landmarks easily identifiable when viewing the Taipei City: Taipei 1O1, Shing Kong Life Tower and Taipei Grand Hotel.