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  1. 6 天前 · Roger Federer 背著的是經典 Monogram Christopher 背包,Rafael Nadal 則是選擇 Monogram Eclipse 款式,象徵其充滿活力與堅韌的態度。 對於此次拍攝,Rafael Nadal 在聲明中提到:「我知道有多少傑出的人才參與這次拍攝的競選,對我來說,能成為其中的一部份是我非常自豪的事,特別是與 Roger...

  2. 4 天前 · 近日,兩位網壇傳奇人物—羅傑.費德勒(Roger Federer)和拉斐爾.納達爾(Rafael Nadal),再次以其卓越的風采登上全球舞台,並且在錶迷間引發關注。這次,他們成為了路易威登(Louis Vuitton)最新一期「核心價值」(Core Values)形象廣告的代言人。

  3. 6 天前 · 找來兩大網球球王Roger Federer與拉斐爾納達爾Rafael Nadal)一起登上了義大利多洛米蒂山脈的最高峰,拍攝LV最新核心價值「核心價值 Core Values」 形象廣告,由傳奇攝影師安妮萊博維茨(Annie Leibovitz)掌鏡,以「成就傳奇的旅程」(There are Journeys that turn into...

  4. 5 天前 · Open Extended Reactions. Roger Federerand Rafael Nadalteamed up with Louis Vuitton for a new chapter in its "Core Values'' campaign, which was announced Saturday morning. The main values center...

  5. 2 天前 · Tennis legends Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal come together once again, but this time it’s off-the-court for Louis Vuitton’s latest campaign. Caught scaling high altitudes, the tennis pros exemplify Louis Vuitton’s ‘Core Values’, a campaign the brand re-launched after 17 years. The campaign, shot by iconic photographer Annie Leibovitz ...

  6. 6 天前 · Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal team up in snowy shoot for Louis Vuitton's Core Values campaign As Fedal has shown in joining the brand's legacy, “There are Journeys that turn into Legends.” Fedal ...

  7. 6 天前 · Courtesy of Louis Vuitton Not long ago, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal faced off at the top of a snowy mountain. This wasn’t a far-flung tennis exhibition; instead, the two titans met on a peak ...

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