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  1. 得分
    Timberwolves won series 4-0終場
    4月 28日vs灰狼
    116 - 122
  2. 2016年1月5日 · In the oikeios, humanity is unified with nature in a flow of flows, and on occasion Moore comes close to understanding this metonymically. Oikeios is a ‘matrix’ (a curiously gendered metaphor). But the focus always ends up shifting to the question of how capitalism produces natures. Capital makes nature work harder, faster, and cheaper ...

  3. 2019年5月6日 · The goal of the team/infrastructure building of 2011 is to gain a solid foundation for scaling Factor e Farm operations as an open source product development center/experimental post-scarcity community. Our first attempt at the truly scalable open source economic development method will begin in 2012.

  4. Joshua Davila: "Then there is CoFi, collaborative finance , which is taking a very different approach as far as thinking about credit. It is a very interesting development of taking the ability for credit clearing – which banks do amongst each other all the time – and trying to bring that into small businesses or even at the individual level.

  5. As Loconomics prepares to begin operations this winter, it’s running out of the pocket of the founder, Josh Danielson — a far cry from the millions that TaskRabbit raised from investors in its early years." Discussion. Loconomics as a platform cooperative. Amy Cortese: "The new platforms all share a vision of the Internet as a commons.

  6. Manifesto for the Noosphere is the result of forty years of study, contemplation, investigation, and synthesis. While the noosphere may be beyond the grasp of conventional science, it is a deep and pervasive intuition that has gripped the minds of scientists, philosophers, poets, and artists since the concept first emerged in 1926.

  7. 2021年11月30日 · Ed. José Ramos, Sharon Ede, Michel Bauwens and Gien Wong. P2P Foundation, 2021. URL = free pdf. Contents. 1 Description. 2 Contents. 2.1 Essays. 2.1.1 Section 1: Cosmolocal Framings. 2.1.2 Section 2: Building Cosmolocal Ecosystems. 2.1.3 Section 3: Challenging Cosmolocalism. 2.2 Cases and Examples.

  8. Summary. "Open source is everywhere. Its culture of transparent and collaborative innovation has transformed modern society, with over 97% of critical digital infrastructure and services depending on it. The role of open source has become increasingly important in addressing environmental challenges.