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  1. 得分
    Timberwolves won series 4-0終場
    4月 28日vs灰狼
    116 - 122
  2. Bio. "Critical and activist researcher, writer and editor. Researcher with the Transnational Institute ( and the Centre of Participation Studies, Peace Studies Dept. Bradford University (, and co-editor Red Pepper ( (my main voluntary activist 'job').

  3. Hilary Wainwright [1]. See: Commons, State, and Transformative Politics. Co-Creative Labor, Productive Democracy and the Partner State: By Hilary Wainwright. a very important text to reset government policies for the p2p age.

  4. Adventures in Popular Democracy. By Hilary Wainwright. Seagull, 2009. Description. "The anticapitalist protests at Seattle and Genoa are dramatic symbols of a growing collective anger about the globalising power of a few multinational corporations.

  5. Hilary Wainwright: Resistance to alienation takes many forms: from the refusal to work, humour, sabotage and conventional trade unionism, to a variety of struggles for and experiments with alternatives in and against state and market.

  6. Challenging anthropocentric approaches to contemporary science and culture, Insect Media reveals the possibilities that insects and other nonhuman animals offer for rethinking media, the conflation of biology and technology, and our understanding of, and interaction with, contemporary digital culture."

  7. Media in the trust is either public domain, or is GPL-ish. Many models possible for creators to receive compensation if not working on project others have requested: Pledge, loans/microloans, digital auction, barter, donation, free as in beer. Reputation can be

  8. Therefore, identitarian relationships are normally based on brute contingent, involuntary, unchosen facts about ourselves and other people: normally, we simply cannot help the facts about our having various identity-attributes and sharing them with others (for