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  1. W
    賽季 202310
    6月 7日vs勇士
    2 - 1
    4:05 下午 EDT
    6月 8日vs勇士
    1:35 下午 EDT
    6月 9日vs勇士
  2. Patrick explained to me that an sf novel is like a piece of clockwork with two gears: there's a small, quickly spinning, high-torque gear (the protagonist), and a huge, slow-moving gear that it propels (the world).

  3. Patrick Bresnihan: "A second perspective on the commons that has become popular within and outside the academy shifts attention away from the so-called 'natural' commons, focussing instead on the emergent possibilities of the 'social' or 'immaterial' commons.

    • Context
    • Description
    • Review
    • Discussion

    Paroxysms: “Cadres, as Boltanski and Chiapello describe them, are especially susceptible to motivation problems. To maintain their sense of self-worth, cadres need to believe that the work they carry out contributes to the common good. … Cadres therefore constitute an important internal stakeholder group within companies. They expect their own corp...

    "A major new work examining network-based organizations and post-Fordist work structures.Why is the critique of capitalism so ineffective today? In this major work, the sociologists Eve Chiapello and Luc Boltanski suggest that we should be addressing the crisis of anticapitalist critique by exploring its very roots. Via an unprecedented analysis of...

    Mark Corbin: "It is an analysis of the relationship of capitalism with the critique of it, and a narrative of the survival and adaptation of the capitalist system in the context of society’s changing collective identities, based on experience with and of the development of anti-capitalist critique, and empirical study of particularly management lit...

    Reading: Multitudes 4 on the New Spirit of Capitalism:

    1. Article: Nouvel Ere du Capitalism. By Boltanski and Chiapello. Special Issue of Multitudes #4. URL = The authors wrote a book together, Le Nouvel Esprit du Capitalisme, the 'New Spirit of Capitalism'. Michel Bauwens, 2004: The authors identify a new 'spirit' of capitalism, centered around the 3 axes of enthusiasm, security, and justice, which has incorporated the 'artist criticism' of capitalism, which was expressed in the 1960s, but not the 'social criticism' of capitalism, which it had d...

  4. Patrick Wintour: "Volunteer activists in Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership campaign are to try to harness the campaign’s energy by setting up a movement called Momentum to back his ideas and politics.

  5. Clay Shirky; c) Why Open Hardware? by Patrick McNamara. In peer production, the interests of capitalists and entrepreneurs are no longer aligned Dave Pollard on the fallacy of the Economies of Scale argument, i.e. that bigger is better. What are the specific?

  6. Open Market Sustainability policy proposals by Patrick Doherty. Policy propositions for sustaining food & farming systems, for Victoria, Australia Six Proposed Policy Principles for Scaling Up Agroecology. By Olivier De Schutter, Gaëtan Vanloqueren Grain:

  7. A copyfarleft license should make it possible for producers to share freely and to retain the value of their labour product, in otherwords it must be possible for workers to make money by applying their own labour to mutual property, but impossible for owners of private property to make money using wage labour.