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  1. They’ll be housed on the Bitcoin Blockchain and—get this—mined by proof-of-movement. Anyone can join the La’Zooz transportation web network. To join as a miner, you download the app, connect your phone’s global positioning system (GPS) and begin to earn Zooz tokens as you drive over 20 kmh. You could also earn Zooz by contributing ...

  2. Description. "Distributed Proofreaders provides a web-based method to ease the conversion of Public Domain books into e-books. By dividing the workload into individual pages, many volunteers can work on a book at the same time, which significantly speeds up the creation process.

  3. There are alternatives to PoW, like “Proof of Stake”, where the amount of minable blocks is restricted to the amount of Bitcoins a miner holds. This would make it very costly to establish a monopoly position, but would officially transfer the ownership of the network to the 1% Bitcoin oligopoly, which currently holds about 99% of the entire Bitcoin supply (sounds familiar?).

  4. Proof of Stake is a democratic system that doesn’t require solving a hard math problem with computer calculations; instead it allows users to vote on practically everything within the blockchain; system variables, Witnesses (what ‘miners’ are called in PoS), system changes and proposals, etc…. Proof of Stake delivers on a lot of ...

  5. In this work, we propose proof-of-personhood (PoP),a mechanism that binds physical entities to virtual identities ina way that enables accountability while preserving anonymity.Afterwards we introduce PoPCoin, a new cryptocurrency,whose consensus

  6. Proof of stake (PoS) is an alternative approach that has gained popularity in recent years and that requires no specialist hardware. In PoW, hashrate determines how likely a participant is to add the next block of transactions to the blockchain. In PoS, the participant’s coin stake determines their likelihood.

  7. 2012年1月17日 · Throughout Gatewatching, Bruns clings to the goal of multiperspectival coverage and argues that online collaborative communities are better positioned to produce and promote a diversity of perspectives than traditional mass media organizations. To support this view, Bruns builds upon classic Gatekeeping theory introduced by Kurt Lewin (1947 ...