Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. STEP 1 : Give an interesting piece of information about your family. 步驟一:談論一個有關於家庭有趣資訊. The purpose of this step is to grab the attention of the person listening to you. 這項步驟目的在於抓住聽眾注意力. Your goal is to help them see the general character of your family. 你目標是讓 ...

    • 4 分鐘
  2. The place name is Jiufen and the first time I heard about Jiufen was in an article, I read about it. 地名叫九份,第一次聽說九份是在一篇文章中. Because it has a very high resemblance to the movie “Spirited Away”. 因為它與電影《千與千尋》非常相似。. That movie is some kind of Japanese animation. I saw ...

  3. 我們寫劇本、我們寫長篇小說、短篇故事。. We make movies, we take photographs, tweet to each other. 我們製作電影、我們拍照、推特給對方。. The list goes on. 不勝枚舉。. The power of story is that it has an ability to connect with people on an emotional level. 故事力量在於能夠連結人們 ...

  4. VoiceTube 發佈於 2012 年 12 月 28 日. 影片單字. 此影片沒有單字. 【看影片學英語數萬部 YouTube 影片搭配英漢字典即點即查輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。 學這些英文用法:Movieclips,父親,聰明,厄尼,母親,珍妮,先生,小聲,招呼,做錯,片段,漂亮,電視,叫做,電影,名字,孩子,朋友,問題,福雷斯特,伯特.

  5. Down in Texas, a very distinct accent developed. 德州發展出獨特口音。. The famous Texan accent that we all know from the movies, "He shot and killed a state senator named Bibbs in Waco, Texas." 這是我們在電影中熟知德州口音:「他在德州韋科射殺了一名叫比伯州參議員。. Has started to level out.

  6. Hello, I'm Ray! 哈囉,是阿滴. Hi, I'm Logan! 嗨,是小貝. Today we're going to have some hot pot! 今天我們要一起來吃火鍋. Today is another English Corner video, 今天的話呢,我們一樣是個 English Corner 影片. so don't forget to turn on the subtitles!

  7. 英文童話故事:鄉下老鼠與城市老鼠 (The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - Bedtime Story (BedtimeStory.TV)) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse. 鄉村老鼠城市老鼠. Once upon a time, there was a mouse who lived in the country, 從前,有一隻老鼠住在鄉下。 He had a very close friend who lived in the city. 他有一個很要好朋友,住在這個城市。