Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. It sounds kind of cheesy!!! Brant : Well, tonight's been an interesting one. Mel : I think you should change the name of the show. Brant : you have any ideas? Mel : I was thinking about something like Jazz Up Your Life. Brant : It sounds kind of cheesy, but I guess it's catchy.

  2. It's a movable feast!!! Jonah : What's the animal for Chinese New Year this year ? Waldo : The rooster.It's the Year of the Rooster. Jonah : When is the actual date of New Year's day ? Waldo : It's on 9th February this year. Jonah : That's rather later than last year, isn't it ?That's rather later than last year, isn't it ?

  3. HiTutor線上外語家教,提供中英師、歐美師、多元外語課程,自主選課,隨時上線,人生充電。