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  1. 去日本如何玩更Hi?快沿著新幹線來趟文化與城市風情之旅!HiTutor線上日文課程,採一對教學,學習效果快又好;想學50音與日文會話?找HiTutor就對了!

  2. flick, flip riffle, leaf, riff peruse. wave - a movement up and down or back and forth. curl, wave twist. bump - knock against with force or violence. hit, strike. cheek - either side of the face below the eyes. talk, speak. polite - showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior.

  3. HiTutor線上外語,提供歐洲語言以及東南亞語言讓你輕鬆在家學,上課時間彈性,專師團隊,教材量身訂作,1對1情境教學,16國外語,上線就能同步學習!

  4. 程度測試預約專線 服務時間:週一至五 AM 9:00~PM 23:00 週六至日 AM 9:00~PM 21:00

  5. Long Trips, Vacations Have a good trip. Enjoy your vacation. Have a good time in _____ (destination, ex: Have a good time in Greece.) When your friends or family return home How was your vacation? Did you enjoy your time in (destination) How was your

  6. Good and Bad Experiences Express yourself Remembering about your FIRST memories experience on your Childhood Days What was your first pet? Who was your first best friend? What was your first school? What was the first country you have visited? Or, where

  7. Asking Permission 1. Modals are commonly used for asking permission Can I ask you a question? May I have a piece of cake? Could I get you to turn off the lights? 2. Some other common phrases are Do you mind if I smoke? Would you mind if I asked you something? ...