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  1. By contrast, the principle of sufficiency (again my paraphrasing) is: Through collective, networked community-based self-management, allow an understanding of what would optimize the well-being of all life in the ecosystem, balancing all interests and appreciating natural constraints, to decide what is needed.Agree to produce only, but ...

  2. Five principles are below. A DTP: 1) orients us to our largest context, a vast evolving Universe; 2) connects us to our matrix, the Earth; 3) transforms us into our larger identities; 4) guides our actions for creating the future; and. 5) it serves as a learning continuum throughout life.

  3. Now my questions turned again to “Is life worth living?” For 7 long years I fell into a ‘dark night’ with no answers to my desperate inner plight. Why should I live at all?

  4. This section is again a broadly conventional overview of current understanding of the development of life on earth. He argues from game-theory that increasing complexity is inevitably going to result from the operation of evolution by natural selection.

  5. While these forms do share with my meaning the formal character of being responses to overwhelming change, to a clear and present flow of history suffusing those artists and their societies, the canon of high modernism reflected the experience of a relatively

  6. Description. "The AllSeen Alliance is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to enabling and driving the widespread adoption of products, systems and services that support the Internet of Everything with an open, universal development framework supported by a vibrant ecosystem and thriving technical community.

  7. "The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, which was created by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history. According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational personas (archetypes).