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  1. The primary driving force behind the parallel village is to create a wonderful place that all its inhabitants love. Enable people and communities to create a place that provides them both what they need and what they love.

    • General Definition
    • Examples
    • The Concurrent Computing Challenge
    • Ecological Benefits

    From Wikipedia's Distributed Computing article: "Distributed computing is a method of computer processing in which different parts of a program run simultaneously on two or more computers that are communicating with each other over a network. Distributed computing is a type of segmented or parallel computing, but the latter term is most commonly us...

    Early, significant example: Seti@Home

    The Seti@Home is one of the earliest distributed computing public project, which involved letting any user participate in the analysis of sound (high wavelenght, radio signals) coming from space (captured using the Arecibo Radio Observatory) in hope of discovering Alien life evidence. Since the project was lacking results (and still does), computing budgets were cut down; using grid computing let the research go on. A small software application did download samples, perform Fast Fourier Trans...

    Concurrent computing is the fact to be able to achieve a task on multiple computing cores. Not any task can be easily multi-threaded. Multiple scale hardware systems are using multiple processors.

    Distributed computing is said to achieve better overall energy efficiency than centralized supercomputing. Processors such as the Cell are extremely power sparing.

  2. A Grid is a type of parallel and distributed system that enables the sharing, selection, and aggregation of resources distributed across 'multiple' administrative domains based on their (resources) availability, capacity, performance, cost and users' quality-of-service)

  3. In the framework of the multi-local society the dominant ideas of “global" and “local", and the ones of “large" and “small" are challenged. In fact, for its nature the multi-local society is an highly connected world.

  4. Utilizing geographic proximity and parallel access can improve this. NAT Traversal: Today almost all PC are connected to the internet via routers using NAT (Network Address Translation), which per default prevents incoming connections.

  5. Distributed systems = the existence of an horizontal system architecture where complex activities are accomplished in parallel by an high number of connected elements. Definition by Ezio Manzini at

  6. P2P is an abbreviation of “peer to peer”, sometimes also described as “person to person” or “people to people”. The essence of P2P is this direct relationship, and its core characteristics include: Creation of common goods through open, participatory production and governance processes.