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  1. Description. "Created to assist people in their search for public domain movies and to develop a better understanding of the public domain laws, this database is intended to serve as a source for this need."

  2. We ask John about the historical context of monotheistic religions, where the apocalypse meme began and its implications in our expectations for the future. We ask if the world is going to end in 2012 and JMG explains how David Icke’s evil space lizards are involved.

    • Mobility and Flexibility
    • Access to Means of Coercion
    • Access to Food and Other Resources
    • Sharing
    • Sanctions on The Accumulation of Personal Possessions
    • The Transmission of Possessions Between People
    • Leadership and Decision-Making

    In all these six societies nomadism is fundamental. Thereare no fixed dwellings, fixed base camps, fixed stores, fixed hunting or fishingapparatus-such as stockades or weirs-or fixed ritual sites to constrainmovements. People live in small camp units containing usually a dozen or twopeople and moving frequently. These small nomadic camp units are a...

    Another important factor in this context is the accesswhich all males have to weapons among the !Kung, Hadza, Mbuti and Batek.Hunting weapons are lethal not just for game animals but also for people. There are serious dangers in antagonising someone: he might choose simply tomove away but if he feels a strong sense of grievance that his rights have...

    I have already discussed how, within the generalpattern of nomadic movement, individuals are able to avoid constraint by theirfreedom to detach themselves from others at a moment's notice withouteconomic or other penalty. But let us now look more closely at the rightswhich individuals enjoy without which such action would not be practicable.What ar...

    The genuine equality of opportunity that individuals enjoy in theiraccess to resources, limited only by the division of labour between the sexes,does not, of course, ensure equality of yield. The quantities of all the variousitems which individuals obtain, either on their own or jointly with otherpeople, vary greatly depending on skill, on luck, on...

    Clothing, tools, weapons,smoking pipes, bead ornaments and other similar objects are personally heldand owned. At least in the case of the three African societies, they are in generalrelatively simple objects, made with skill but not elaborately styled or decoratedand not vested with any special significance. They can be made or obtainedwithout gre...

    Hadza use a distinctive methodfor transmitting such personally owned objects between people which hasprofound consequences for their relationships. In any large camp men spendmost of their time gambling with one another, far more time than is spentobtaining food. They gamble mainly for metal-headed hunting arrows, bothpoisoned and non-poisoned, but...

    In these societies there are either no leaders at all orleaders who are very elaborately constrained to prevent them from exercisingauthority or using their influence to acquire wealth or prestige.12 A Hadza campat any particular time is often known by the name of a well-known man thenliving in it. But thisindicates only that the man is well enough...

  3. Discussion. Vaclav Smil interviewed by Jonathan Watts: + You cite Kenneth Boulding’s distinction between the “cowboy economy” and the “spaceman economy”. The former is wide-open spaces and seemingly endless opportunities for resource consumption. The latter is a recognition that planet Earth is more like a closed spaceship on which we ...

  4. 2016年11月22日 · Description. "Professor Guy Standing explains how the globalisation of labour and work has produced a global precariat and, within that, a new category of taskers, controlled electronically by apps and crowd-sourcing. His presentation highlights how rentier platforms and cloud labour are accelerating the growth of the precariat will force ...

  5. Embracing marketization, social protection, and emancipation, the triple movement is designed to map the collision of those three political projects, each of which remains salient today. Thus, this figure will form the core of a new, quasi-Polanyian perspective that can clarify capitalist crisis in the 21st century."

  6. Segment Two is about how TIMN works. It relates my sense of TIMN’s system dynamics, emphasizing general propositions that hold across the evolution of all four TIMN forms. Segment Three is about where TIMN is headed. It focuses on the rise of the network (N) form and prospects that a new sector may develop around it. It reflects recent posts ...