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  1. 2023年6月17日 · 1.1 Pitirim Sorokin on the Four Techniques to Stimulate Authentic Love in Society. 1.1.1 Altruization Through Fine Arts and Beauty. 1.1.2 Altruization Through Individual Creative Activity. 1.1.3 Altruization Through Private and Public Prayer. 1.1.4 Altruization Through Contemplation and Meditation.

  2. 1. Michel Bauwens: "The author of Non-Zero sees Darwinian evolution as only partly determined by the struggle for life. Indeed, competition is a zero sum game, but it is not only individuals that are competing but in fact teams (such as nations, etc.. ).

  3. 1) orients us to our largest context, a vast evolving Universe; 2) connects us to our matrix, the Earth; 3) transforms us into our larger identities; 4) guides our actions for creating the future; and 5) it serves as a learning continuum throughout life.

  4. 4.1 Regulating Uber 5 Status 6 Discussion 6.1 Implications for the Democratic Process 7 More Information Contextual Citation Liz Barry: "Thanks to the rise of the Internet, many people around the world are today sending many signals to many other people and ...

  5. DeKoven describes (and prescribes) a community of people who care more about fun than winning, who play well together, want to keep fun happening, prolong it, and find it repeatedly with other games and varied players. He writes about cheating and fairness, keeping score, time outs, coaches, changing old games, making up new games and more.

  6. 2007年4月25日 · 1. The cult of the amateur is digital utopianism’s most seductive delusion. This cult promises that the latest media technology -- in the form of blogs, wikis and podcasts -- will enable everyone to become widely read writers, journalists, movie directors and music artists. It suggests, mistakenly, that everyone has something interesting to say.

  7. Description. "The diamond is a map that points to three phases that groups pass through as they move from questions to insights. Groups begin with divergent thinking, sit for a while in the chaos and uncertainty of “The Groan Zone” and later move into convergent thinking."