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  1. 2014年9月7日 · Geeks Without Bounds was founded in 2010 by Johnny Diggz and Willow Brugh as a fiscally sponsored [1] project of The School Factory. Immediately, hackathons became the major focus of the organization as a method to find new solutions to ongoing problems in disaster response and humanitarian aid. Some of the solutions created at GWOB-organized ...

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    1. Developed by the Freaknet, Netsukuku is a new p2p routing system, which will be utilised to build a worldwide distributed, anonymous and anarchical network, separated from the Internet, without the support of any servers, ISPs or authority controls. In a p2p network every node acts as a router, therefore in order to solve the problem of computin...

    Sepp Hasslberger: "Netsukuku’s address system is called Andna (A Netsukuku Domain Name Architecture). Others, perhaps a bit maliciously, re-named it "Abnormal Netsukuku Domain Name Anarchy". "In practice, my algorithm sees the network as a fractal, allowing almost infinite compression," explains Andrea. "Addressing of data packages follows a hierar...

  2. Video, "Alexander Dugin: Introduction to Noomakhia" available via ...

  3. This phenomenon is linked to "viral" effects and increases in prominence as individuals contribute altruistically and for social gain. The phenomenon is sometimes called the Inverse commons as well as "comedy of the commons" and the "cornucopia of the commons." It is one of four outcomes: The prevalent outcome depends on the details of the ...

  4. Description. James Moore: "The end of cheap nature is best comprehended as the exhaustion of the value-relations that have periodically restored the “Four Cheaps”: labor-power, food, energy, and raw materials. Crucially, these value-relations are co-produced by and through humans with the rest of nature."

  5. The Open Value Network (OVN) model describes a blend between the 3 arrangements mentioned above, mostly coordination and some collaboration. No one works for anyone else. All labor is transferred into fluid equity through a value accounting system, which grants ownership to the participant member to a percentage of the future revenue generated ...

  6. 2020年2月4日 · Notably, Andrew Feenberg describes “operational autonomy” as a facet of capitalist ownership that incorporates autonomous potential into organisation, machinic, and workflow processes: Operational autonomy is the power to make strategic choices among alternative rationalizations without regard for externalities, customary practice, workers ...