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  1. Hello. Can I see your ID and the ticket please? 你好,可以讓我看看你的護照跟機票嗎? Sure. Here's my ID and my ticket. 好的,在這裡. Thank you. You may proceed to the check-in counter. 謝謝,你可以前往登機櫃位辦理登機了. Good evening. Welcome to A1 Airlines. 晚安,歡迎蒞臨 A1 航空. Please give me your ticket and ID. 麻煩出示機票和護照. Here they are. 在這裡. Thank you. Do you have any check-in baggage?

  2. 在這支影片中,我們會討論如何聽懂英語語速快的人。. 我的學生常跟我說,英語母語人士語速太快時很難聽懂。. So I want to give you some ideas and some tips and tricks today on how to understand fast English speakers a little bit better and some exercises that you can do to strengthen your listening ...

  3. VoiceTube顛覆你的學習體驗 !. 看影片英文學習法,超過十萬部道地情境影音,全球超過 450 萬人使用、近 9 學習者好評推,讓英文自然而然就學會!.

  4. 我是一位中英雙語的會議口譯員。 I interpret English into Chinese, and Chinese into English. 我把英文翻成中文,也把中文翻成英文。 As a native Chinese speaker, I spent years learning English to become a fluent speaker of the language. 我的母語是中文,而為了讓自己的英文變得流利,我花了許多年學習英文。

  5. Hello~我是李則諭! 排名. 超過360萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台! 上萬部YouTube影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。 是最適合華人提升英文聽力和英文口說的學習方法和工具。

  6. Tip 1: a quick fix. 方法一:速戰速決。 There are a few tricks that can give you an immediate confidence boost in the short term. 有一些技巧,可以幫助你在短時間內很快提振信心。 Picture your success when you're beginning a difficult task, something as simple as listening to music with deep bass; it can promote feelings of power. 當你開始一項艱鉅的任務時,想像你成功的樣子,聽一些低音域的音樂可以讓你充滿能量。

  7. 你不會想要不停的說教。 There should be opportunities for people to ask questions if they're truly engaged. 如果對方真的感興趣,他們應該要有發問的機會。 If they're only nodding or giving responses like, "Wow" or "jeez," then they may be uninterested. 如果他們僅僅是點頭,或是回答「哇」、「天啊」,那他們很可能沒興趣。

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