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  1. Founded in 2002, Memefest is a complex international, semi-online project that uses the form of a festival as a tactical, educational, research and communications tool. Memefest creates, thinks, researches, educates and works on the intersections of art/science/communication profession/theory and practice.

  2. In 2009 he co-founded the independent newscast Kontext TV, producing a monthly broadcast on global justice issues; guests include Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Immanuel Wallerstein, Jeremy Scahill, Amy Goodman, Saskia Sassen, Maude Barlow, Silvia

  3. Description. = describes new and hidden exchanges of information for power that are key to government-business relations: "Law enforcement agencies seek to enhance their monitoring capacity and online businesses seek to prevent fraud and combat piracy while strengthening their ties with authorities. . . .

  4. Craig Dalton and Liz Mason-Deese: "Precarias a la Deriva (Precarious Women Adrift) is a feminist collective in Madrid that demonstrates the power of militant research and autonomist concepts in the current economy, particularly through their use of the drift method.

  5. 2011年1月7日 · Various ways to use P2P principles for TV, in particular internet TV developments. See our entry on IPTV, which differentiates this concept from Internet Television. The former refers to the efforts by incumbents to use the internet for the tightly controlled distribution of their programs, using set top boxes and DRM.

  6. "The 'digital divide' is the term used to describe the growing gap, or social exclusion, between those who have access to the new services of the information society, and those who do not.

  7. This diverse scholarship is unified by the theme of the high stakes associated with global catastrophes and the desire to leverage risk analytic techniques, broadly construed, to understand and address GCR.