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  1. 我們渴望被愛,不想被忽略。. Unfortunately, long after we’ve outgrown our diapers, we still become a little child-like when we’re jealous. 不幸地是,就算已長大不再需要穿尿布,忌妒時,我們仍會表現的像個孩子。. Jealousy tends to come with a specific set of blinders, and the more jealous we are ...

  2. 想要英文講得道地,這 30 個常用口語表達你一定要知道! (30 English Phrasal Verbs For Speaking (That You SHOULD Know)) # 某人 # 某物. 中文 A2 初級. 字幕已審核. 03:18. 為什麼夏威夷果這麼貴? (Why Macadamia Nuts Are So Expensive | So Expensive) # 夏威夷 # 堅果. 中文 B2 中高級. 字幕已審核. 06:01. 你也有嗎? 成年人患有過動症的5個跡象! (5 Signs of ADHD In Adults) # 患者 # 過動症. 中文 B1 中級. 字幕已審核. 04:28. 【生活英文】禁食時,你的身體會發生什麼事?

  3. 聽聽句子怎麼說. Question your convictions. Be who you want to be, not who they want you to be. Don't accept their enslavement, for your mother birthed you free. 質疑你的信仰。 要成為自己,而非別人心目中的自己。 不要接受他們的奴役,因為你的母親賦予了你生命與自由。 句子選自此影片: 女性爭取受教. 學習重點. 今日已有 113 人參加每日口說挑戰. Practice makes perfect 2 年前. 00:00. Practice makes perfect 2 年前. 00:00.

  4. 他剛剛輸掉了監護爭奪戰,正在鬧離婚什麼的。 It 's gonna kill itself anyways , I'm just doing it a favor . 無論如何,它都會自殺的,我只是在幫他的忙。

  5. you try to argue that Shakespeare is probably a lot more interesting as a writer than the guy who wrote prose on the back of the cereal packet. 當你想要辯論:莎士比亞比在麥片盒背面上寫小散文的人有趣多了. Or if you say that Louis Kahn Salk Institute is for sure better looking than an average Holiday Inn. 或者你說 ...

  6. 1953 年 7 月 19 日,我出生在家境清寒的家庭。 Money was a challenge as my mother was a receptionist. 金錢的匱乏是一大挑戰,我媽媽是一名總機小姐。 And my father was a World War II veteran working as a diaper delivery driver. 爸爸是二戰的退伍軍人,他後來成為尿布配送司機。 They didn't have a college education, but they worked hard for the family, and they loved their work. 雖然他們兩個都沒有上過大學,但是他們為了家庭認真工作,並且熱愛他們的工作。

  7. 身為癌症研究的全國之首,我們「預防癌症八大招」系列提供了簡單、有證據佐證的指南,讓你可以降低罹癌風險並改善健康。 Take control; make a healthy change. 取得掌控並做出健康的改變。 One important step you can take: eat a healthy diet. 你可以採取的一個重要步驟是:健康飲食。 Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and keep red meat and processed meat to a minimum. 集中攝取水果、蔬菜和全穀物,並將紅肉和加工肉品攝取降到最低。

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