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  1. 黃靜茵造句和"黃靜茵"例句: 1. 和黃靜茵在內的所有女人心。 2. )暗戀黃靜茵。 點擊查看更多黃靜茵的造句...

  2. 例句與用法. They attributed the success of their invention to engineer huang . 他們把發明的成功歸于工程師。. The heroic deeds of huang jiguang deserve to be recorded in letters of gold . 繼光的英勇事跡值得大書特書。. Heroes such as huang jiguang will always live in the hearts of the people . 像繼光 ...

  3. 復方茵黃顆粒具有清熱祛濕解毒、舒肝利膽退黃,疏通膽道系統、恢復肝功能、提高病毒性免疫應答、打破免疫耐受之功效,適用于急性黃疸型肝炎、慢性肝炎、藥物性肝炎、酒精性肝炎、脂肪肝等的治療。

  4. Contemporary explanation of cultural classics of lu hsun - speech on international seminar of study of lu hsun for 20 years. 在魯迅研究二十年國際學術討論會上的發言. Hsun - kwang put great emphasis on decorums , advocated courtesy , and looked oncourtesy as the function of moderation and observation. 摘要荀子重視禮法 ...

  5. In studying a problem , we must shun subjectivity . 研究問題,忌帶主觀性。. We must not reproach her, or she shuns us . 我們可不要責備她,否則她要躲避我們。. At last, despised and shunned as he deserved to be, he died . 最后,他活該受到鄙視和厭棄,終于死了。. He could shun her . 他可以不理睬 ...

  6. n. 訓練,教練,練習;鍛煉; (馬等的)調馴; (槍炮、攝影機等的)瞄準,對準;【園藝】整枝法。 be in [out of] training 練習得好 [不好]。 go into training 開始練習。 "be in training" 中文翻譯 : 鍛煉得好, 身體狀況好, 競技狀態好. "will training" 中文翻譯 : 意志訓練. "get training; receive training" 中文翻譯 : 受訓. "in-service training; on-the-job training" 中文翻譯 : 不脫產進修. "training jetty; training wall" 中文翻譯 : 導流堤.

  7. oopsie中文意思:1. A Mistake …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋oopsie的中文翻譯,oopsie的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。.

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