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  1. 對家長來說,縮短上課周也會導致家庭每年在兒童保育方面多花費 5000 到 9000 美元。 As more school districts shorten the week , you can expect to hear more about this debate .

  2. Hey! I know, it feels like forever! I've been good but there's some big news. I actually quit my job a couple of weeks ago. 嘿,我知道,這感覺就像永遠。 我一直很好,但有個大消息。 事實上,幾周前我已經辭職了。 Whoa, really? That's a big step! What happened? Are you okay? 哇,真的嗎? 這是一個很大的改變! 發生了什麼事? 你還好嗎? Yeah, I'm good. It was just time for a change.

  3. (Inside Out if it was about an Adult) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. Watch on. 影片播放. Fuck. 乾。 Hey, how are you holding up, Sadness? 嘿,憂憂,你還好嗎? I know they got you working overtime. 我知道他們讓你加班了。 Ever since his wife left him, I just couldn't take a break. 自從他妻子離開他後,我就再也無法休息了。 Dang, how long has it been? 天哪,有多久了? It's been months! 已經好幾個月了! Oh, dang. 哦,該死。

  4. Here are six ways to read someone's body language. 以下是解讀肢體語言的六種方式。 Number one, recognize their normal behavior and personality first. 第一,首先要知道對方日常習慣行為。 You can't read someone effectively if you don't know how they normally act first. 如果不先了解對方通常的行為模式,就無法有效地讀懂一個人。 Each of us have our own unique mannerisms and behaviors that reflect our personality.

  5. Let's go straight to today's 10 English Phrases. 那我們就話不多說馬上來進入我們今天的十句實用英文. Remember to turn on the Chinese subtitle. 提醒大家要記得開我們的中文字幕喔! Besides the 10 Phrases. 因為除了句子之外呢. The conversation is also worth learning. 其實我們設計的對白裡面也有很多很值得學的東西. Turn on the Chinese subtitle so you can see all the translation. 開了中文字幕之後才能夠看到所有英文句子的中文翻譯. Welcome to DuDu Dining.

  6. 如果你想談論即將到來的周末,你可以說:「你這個週末有什麼計劃嗎? So that 's the third thing you can talk about at work , the weekend . 這是你在工作中可以談論的第三件事,也就是週末。

  7. 每周,你會試著用我們研究測試過的方法來增加你的愉悅感、加強你有意義的人際關係。 You ' ll be able to track your progress over time and discuss it all with your classmates .

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