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  1. Endorphins are the body's natural pain killers and could be why the placebo effect works quite well when we're trying to get rid of the pain. 腦內啡就像人體自然產生的止痛藥,也是安慰劑效應在我們想止痛時能生效的原因。 One study found that those who were given a real drug which increased their hormone level had the same amount of increase when they were given a placebo tablet later on.

  2. 儘管一些蚊子充當授粉媒介,但人類並不完全依賴它們。. 當然,有大約3200種蚊子,其中只有200種會叮咬人類,因此殺光它們似乎是不公平的。. But because of the ones that do bite us, around 247 million people are infected with malaria every year. 但由於那些叮咬我們的蚊子,每年約 ...

  3. 50周年計畫. 字幕與單字. A2 初級 中文 美國腔 媽媽 世界 寶寶 前往 女性 計畫. 想像一下,如果這個世界上沒有媽媽,會變成什麼樣子?. (World Without Moms) 38485 2983. 韓澐 發佈於 2017 年 05 月 12 日. 分享.

  4. 安慰劑效應(英語:placebo effect,來自拉丁文「placebo」解「我將安慰」),又名偽藥效應、假藥效應、設劑效應指病人雖然獲得無效的治療,但卻「預料」或「相信」治療有效,而讓病患症狀得到舒緩的現象。

  5. 經過十之後,常跑步的老鼠群跑步頻率會比另一群多上 75%。 And by 16 generations , they were running seven miles a day as opposed to the average four miles . 而在經過十六之後,相較於一般老鼠一天平均四公里的跑步距離,常跑步的那群老鼠後代能跑上七公里。

  6. 影片播放. Standing here in the midst of this bustling modern street, it's difficult to. 站在這條時髦熱鬧的街道上. imagine that this town - the town of Onagawa - was once on the front line of. 你很難想象這個叫做女的小鎮. the tsunami that struck on March 2011 At 2:46 in the afternoon just 15 miles. 曾在2011年3月,首當其衝遭受了海嘯的襲擊。 下午2點46分,

  7. Watch on. 影片播放. Contrary to popular belief, lightning strikes aren't always a death sentence. 與大眾的看法相反,雷擊並不總是死亡的判決。 In fact, about 90% of people in the US who are struck actually survive. 事實上,在美國約有 90% 被擊中的人其實活下來了。 Still, victims rarely walk away unscathed, and the damage can be permanent. 雖說如此,受害者很少能安然無恙地離開,而且這種損害可能是永久性的。

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