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  1. 2019年5月5日 · 1. Gideon Kossoff: "Cosmopolitan Localism is the theory and practice of inter-regional and planet-wide net-working between place-based communities who share knowledge, technology, and re-sources. It offers a timely and powerful alternative to globalization: the planet-wide process through which human affairs –in particular, economies ...

  2. Their novel initiative, called GreenXchange, aims to allow companies to share intellectual property for green product design, packaging, manufacturing, and other uses. If it succeeds, this budding coalition could accelerate innovation across companies and sectors. At minimum, it stands to rewrite the rules about how companies share.

  3. 2009年3月18日 · Abstract. "The creation and distribution of user-generated content via video-sharing sites such as YouTube and GoogleVideo both expands and alters our rapport with the medium of television. This article proposes to introduce the concept of “homecasting” (as distinct from broadcasting and narrowcasting) as a step towards designing a ...

  4. Description Zak Stein: Time Between Worlds are "the pivotal epochs in world system transformation as times involving profound educational disruption and innovation. These were times when all four of the major crisis vectors—sense-making, meaning making ...

  5. 2016年6月19日 · Embracing marketization, social protection, and emancipation, the triple movement is designed to map the collision of those three political projects, each of which remains salient today. Thus, this figure will form the core of a new, quasi-Polanyian perspective that can clarify capitalist crisis in the 21st century." Source: Marketization ...

  6. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

  7. Description Deep Time Network: "A Deeptime Perspective (DTP) embraces the discovery of an evolving Universe as a stunning development that changes our understanding of the Universe and who/what we are as humans. Five principles are below. A DTP: 1