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  1. These scholars perceive the ideal Confucian cosmopolitan as someone who embodies moral excellence and virtue, exemplified by the junzi 君子 (noble person) or sage (Neville 2012). Furthermore, they contend that Confucianism offers a distinctive form of “rooted cosmopolitanism” that addresses Nussbaum’s concerns about global homogeneity (Peng 2023).

    • Reed's Law on Group Forming Networks: Definition
    • Citations from David Reed
    • Applications/Implications
    • More Information

    URL = David Reed is a network engineer, who added a third law concerning networks NS has summarized the different mathematical laws inherent in the value created by networks. First, we focus on the individuals. If a network has N-members and memberships grows, then one can see a linear growth in audience...

    Citation 1

    "Bob Metcalfe, inventor of the Ethernet, is known for pointing out that the total value of a communications network grows with the square of the number of devices or people it connects. This scaling law, along with Moore's Law, is widely credited as the stimulus that has driven the stunning growth of Internet connectivity. Because Metcalfe's law implies value grows faster than does the (linear) number of a network's access points, merely interconnecting two independent networks creates value...

    Citation 2

    "Networks that support the construction of communicating groups create value that scales exponentially with network size, i.e. much more rapidly than Metcalfe's square law. I will call such networks Group-Forming Networks, or GFNs. What kind of value are we talking about, when we say the value of a network scales as some function of size? The answer is the value of potential connectivity for transactions. That is, for any particular access point (user), what is the number of different access...

    Reed's Law and Peer Production

    "What's important in a network changes as the network scale shifts. In a network dominated by linear connectivity value growth, "content is king." That is, in such networks, there is a small number of sources (publishers or makers) of content that every user selects from. The sources compete for users based on the value of their content (published stories, published images, standardized consumer goods). Where Metcalfe's Law dominates, transactions become central. The stuff that is traded in t...


    Business implications? "In "real" networks, it is important to note that although the total value of optional transactions that involve pairs and groups grows faster than linearly, the total price that can be paid cannot grow that fast. Typically, the consumers of the value have money and attention resources that scale linearly with N. So the law of supply and demand will kick in, lowering prices until the available resources (dollars and attention) are saturated. What's interesting is that t...


    See the entry on Group Forming Networks in Politics

    See the entry on the related Metcalfe's Law
    Group Forming Networks Resource Page,
  2. 2020年11月25日 · Helen Pluckrose: "Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt described this entire method as a form of reverse Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT teaches people not to catastrophize and not to read negative meanings into everything. This decreases anxiety and improves one’s functioning in the world.

  3. As they dug into this imbalance, they uncovered something interesting; people in WEIRD countries are not representative of the psychological make-up of the rest of the world. They are outliers. Henrich explains: WEIRD people are highly individualistic, self-obsessed, control-oriented, nonconformist, and analytical.

  4. Bitchun Society. = "Bitchun Society" is the dominant Earth culture in which rejuvenation and body-enhancement have made death obsolete, material goods are no longer scarce, and everyone is granted basic rights that in our present age are mostly considered luxuries. [1] Together with the Whuffie reputation currency, features in Cory Doctorow's ...

  5. Bio. "Alastair Fuad-Luke is Professor of Emerging Design Practices at Aalto University in Helsinki exploring new ways of designing with the city municipality of Lahti, Finland. He has a long history of working in different positions within sustainable design, co-design and design activism.

  6. 1. The domain: A community of practice is not merely a club of friends or a network of connections between people. It has an identity defined by a shared domain of interest. Membership therefore implies a commitment to the domain, and therefore a shared competence that distinguishes members from other people.

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