Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. There are at present four television channels . 現在有四個 電視 頻道。. The tennis final will be televised live . 網球決賽實況將由 電視 轉播。. The birds perched upon the television aerial . 那些鳥棲在 電視 天線上。. Television tends to glamorize acts of violence . 電視 往往渲染暴力。. Pete stared ...

  2. 有海量綫上例句用法,真人發音,相關詞匯翻譯查詢,自動拼寫糾錯,近義詞反義詞查詢等功能.

  3. 畫皮造句和"畫皮"例句: 1. 我給小王子畫的羊嘴套上,忘了畫皮帶! 2. 最最精妙絕倫的故事之-畫皮,除了那一幕幕女鬼挖心剝皮現身的畫面, 點擊查看更多畫皮的造句...

  4. When you know a man,you know his face but not his heart. "畫龍畫虎難畫骨知人知面不知心" 英文翻譯 : in knowing a man you may know his face but not his heart. "畫皮" 英文翻譯 : (比喻掩蓋猙獰面目或丑惡本質的美麗外表) disguise or mask of an evildoer 剝畫皮 rip off sb.'s mask. "剝畫皮" 英文翻譯 : rip off sb.'s mask. "基督受難畫" 英文翻譯 : ecce homo. "難描難畫" 英文翻譯 : defy description; beyond description.

  5. 皮特心情沉重地盯著電視熒光屏。The bushes will screen us which we change . 我們用灌木叢遮擋著換衣服。A janitor is standing behind the screen. 一個看門人站在銀幕背面。The mound can be used as our screen. 這個土丘可做我們的掩蔽物。I work for both.

  6. Won kil sun , a professional wedding planner , is used to seeing the grooms fixated on large - sized flat panel screens. 翁琪蓀是專業婚禮策劃人,她已經習慣見到新郎們心系超大 液晶螢幕 的現象了。. The installation consists of five life - sized models of dogs in various positions , with video films running on ...

  7. "電視" 英文翻譯: television; t.v.; teevee 看電視 watch tv; watch television; 彩色電視 colour television; colour tv; 黑白電視 black-and-white television [tv]; 立體電視 stereoscopic television; 雙向電視 the two-way television; 總統向全國作了電視講話。

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