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  1. 有效期間及計費週期如何計算? 信用卡繳費採月租收費,每月NT$199,若您的信用卡非以新台幣結算,會依您的請款銀行匯率換算。 計費週期起始日為申請訂閱付費當日起算,日後每個月將透過您所綁定之信用卡帳單向您收取費用,收費會持續至您主動申請取消 ...

  2. 一.會員管理. 本服務採會員制,使用本服務前必須完成會員帳號註冊,即可開啟部份觀看功能,或付費升級為VIP會員享受完整的觀看功能。 非會員可瀏覽本服務官網及APP,檢視相關影片內容與簡介,無需支付任何費用。 本公司有權於任何時間基於需要而修訂或變更本服務條款,並取代先前的內容,公佈於本服務的官網,本公司將不會個別通知會員。 您使用本服務時,應隨時注意相關內容的修改與變更。 您於任何修改或變更之後繼續使用本服務,將視為您已經閱讀、瞭解且同意接受已完成的相關修改與變更。 若您不同意上述的本服務修訂或更新方式,或不接受本服務的其它任一約定,您應立即停止使用本服務。 二.服務介紹. 我們打破距離與時間的限制,將實體的酷兒影展延伸到線上,要讓你隨時地都能透過電腦/手機,看到世界各地LGBTQ佳片。

    • Account
    • Service
    • Technical Issues
    • Payment Methods
    • Pay by Credit Cards
    • Pay Through Convenient Stores
    • Google Play Subscriptions
    • App Store Subscriptions
    • PayPal Subscriptions
    • Invoice


    1. ■General Membership Complete access to the free section. Watch LGBT content anytime.■VIP Membership Enjoy our full catalogue of LGBT content, exclusive weekly updates and VIP events. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

    Subscribe a GagaOOLala Membership Account

    1. Users can subscribe through emails or Facebook accounts. Membership will be activated after information of the membership is completed.

    I forgot my password.

    1. Click the Forgotten your password button at the login screen and enter your email address. A new password will be sent to your mailbox. If you haven’t received the email, please contact customer service at +886-2-2377-9901 or※ Passwords are unable to rediscover for users who use Google, Facebook and Apple accounts to subscribe.

    Can I preview the content before subscribing?

    1. Yes, we provide trailers for every film and TV series.

    Can I download videos?

    1. Currently, we exclusively provide online streaming service.

    Can I sign in with one account and play videos on multiple devices?

    1. You can sign in on multiple devices but play videos on one device only.

    Streaming requirements

    1. Suggested browsers are the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox

    I cannot connect to the server.

    1. 1.Check your internet connection. 2.If you are using a workplace/dormitory network, please contact your MIS to change the Firewall settings. 3.Firewall settings or anti-virus programs on your computer may also be the cause. Please turn them off and try again.

    Playback is choppy

    1. Please follow the instructions below for troubleshooting: Make sure your internet speed is normal. The internet speed in a workplace/dormitory network (Wi-Fi) may vary due to shared bandwidths. You can download a speed-test app at to find out. Please contact your ISP if connection speed is low. For sufficient system memory, closing other apps not in use or running in the background is advised. Firewall settings or anti-virus software on your computer may also be the cause...

    Payment Methods

    1. The regular monthly fee is NT$250 (about US$7.99) and the special offer price is NT$199 (about US$6.99). The fee is charged in Taiwanese Dollars. The exchange rate depends on your credit card bank. Payment through credit card and convenience stores are available. For detailed information about subscription fees and valid viewing periods, please, refer to your preferred payment method instructions.※GagaOOLala accepts VISA, MasterCard and JCB cards. Convenience store payment is available in...

    Valid Periods and Payment Cycles

    1. A monthly fee of NT$199 will be charged automatically to your card each month. If your credit card uses a non-NTD currency, you will be charged according to your bank exchange rate. Your viewing period starts from the moment you subscribe. If you do not unsubscribe you will be charged automatically for the following month on the day your fee is due.※For example, if a user subscribed on November 5th, 2017, the service would be due on December 4th, 2017, and the fee charge for the following...

    Fail to Pay with Credit Cards

    1. Possible reasons:

    Pay by VISA Debit Card

    1. VISA debit cards with online payment activated are valid for subscriptions.

    Valid Periods and Payment Cycles

    1. Fees are charged in advance with convenience store payments. The longer the period, the higher the discount: Single month plan : NTD $199 | 30 days 3 months plan (10% off) : NTD $537 | 90 days 6 months plan (17% off) : NTD $999 |180 days 12 months plan(25% off): NTD $1799|360 days ※Convenience store payments are Taiwan only

    Valid Periods and Payment Cycles

    1. A monthly fee of NT$250 will be charged automatically to your card each month. If your credit card uses a non-NTD currency, you will be charged according to your bank exchange rate. Your viewing period starts from the moment you subscribe. If you do not unsubscribe, you will be charged automatically for the following month on the day your fee is due.※For example, if a user subscribed on November 5th, 2017, the service would be due on December 4th, 2017, and the fee charge for the following...

    Use Google Play Subscription Services

    1. App software with payment upgrade on Android system has to be certified by Google Inc. to subscribe in “Purchase in App” and become paying members after completing procedures.

    Valid Periods and Payment Cycles

    1. A monthly fee of NT$250 will be charged automatically to your card each month. If your credit card uses a non-NTD currency, you will be charged according to your bank exchange rate. Your viewing period starts from the moment you subscribe. If you do not unsubscribe, you will be charged automatically for the following month on the day your fee is due.※For example, if a user subscribed on November 5th, 2017, the service would be due on December 4th, 2017, and the fee charge for the following...

    Use App Store Subscription Services

    1. App software with payment upgrade on iOS system has to be certified by Apple Inc. to subscribe in “Purchase in App” and become paying members after completing procedures.

    How is the period and billing cycle calculated?

    1. PayPal bills a monthly fee of USD 6.99. If your PayPal account does not use USD, then the fees will be calculated according to the exchange rate of your bank. The billing cycle begins on the day of subscription, and the fees will be automatically billed via PayPal every month until you cancel your subscription. ※Example: A user subscribed on May 15, 2020. The service will be available until June 14, 2020, and the next automatic billing will happen on June 15, 2020.

    How do I cancel my GagaOOLala subscription?

    1. Please log in to the GagaOOLala website. Go to the membership page, and choose “cancel subscription”.

    What will happen if I cancel my subscription during a billing cycle?

    1. The shortest subscription period available is one month. A period less than that would be considered as one month. ※Example: A user subscribed on May 15, 2020; if they unsubscribe on June 1, 2020, the service will still be available until the billing cycle ends on June 14, 2020.

    Issuing E-Invoice

    1. An E-Invoice will be issued when you select credit card or convenience store payment to subscribe to GagaOOLala. There are three different methods for you to receive it. Donation is also available.If you choose to subscribe through the App Store, you will receive an electronic invoice issued by Apple.

    E-Invoice Carriers

    1. Three carriers are provided for you to place E-Invoice. They are Pay2Go carriers, natural person certificate barcodes, mobile carrier Barcodes.

    E-Invoice Winner Notification

    1. If you select Pay2Go Carrier, GagaOOLala will confirm numbers and notify winners. We will mail the invoice on paper to you afterward. Please confirm the subscribed information of your membership is correct. If any delay or missing caused by incorrect information occurs, please understand that we will not mail a replacement.

  3. The world's largest LGBTQ+ OTT platform with the most inclusive library of licensed movies, shorts, series, BL dramas, variety shows and original content –– subtitled in multi languages, HD, and without ads. Gay, lesbian or queer, come to GagaOOLala and find

  4. 劇情介紹. 第11集: 柘植送湊一項禮物,兩人也藉此表明心意;黑澤突然出現在安達的旅館,只為了知道他的想法。. 影集簡介: 到了30歲還是處男的安達突然獲得「只要接觸對方就能讀取人心」的魔法,某天,他無意間讀取帥哥同期同事黑澤的心,意外發現黑澤 ...

  5. 高三生邁爾士一心夢想離開美國伊利諾州的偏僻小鎮、前往大都市攻讀電影,然而驟逝的爸爸生前將他的大學基金揮霍在情婦身上,媽媽也因而兩手空空無能為力,頓時眼看大好前程即將就此斷送,想盡辦法排除萬難的邁爾士發現一個獎學金機會,就是加入校內唯一的排球隊,希望能夠讓他順利進入 ...

  6. 第3集: Patis從別人口中得知Thana被資遣的消息;Mai被同學鎖在更衣室裡,Ryou前往解救他。. 影集簡介: 這不是一間平凡的咖啡廳,它只在你最需要時候出現……上班族Thana在職場遭遇瓶頸,又與相愛九年的男友Patis關係觸礁;Ryou和同學Mai日久生情,但現實卻讓兩 ...

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