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  1. 汉景帝刘启 (前188年—前141年3月9日),为 西漢 第六位皇帝(前157年7月14日-前141年3月9日在位),在位16年,享年48岁,其正式諡號為「孝景皇帝」,後世省略「孝」字稱「漢景帝」,景帝後元三年 正月 甲子(前141年3月9日)崩于 未央宮, 二月 癸酉 ...

  2. 漢景帝劉啟 (前188年—前141年3月9日),為 西漢 第六位皇帝(前157年7月14日-前141年3月9日在位),在位16年,享年48歲,其正式諡號為「孝景皇帝」,後世省略「孝」字稱「漢景帝」,景帝後元三年 正月 甲子(前141年3月9日)崩於 未央宮, 二月 癸酉(3月18日 ...

  3. 2024年8月14日 · 汉景帝. 此条目页的主题是一位西汉皇帝。. 关于其他“刘启”同名人物,请见“ 刘启 (消歧义) ”。. 汉景帝刘启 (前188年—前141年3月9日),为 西汉 第六位皇帝(前157年7月14日-前141年3月9日在位),在位16年,享年48岁,其正式谥号为“孝景皇帝 ...

    • Early Life and Career as Crown Prince
    • Early Reign
    • The Rebellion of The Seven States
    • Middle Reign and Succession Issues
    • Late Reign
    • Legacy
    • Era Names
    • Family
    • See Also
    • Sources

    Emperor Jing was born to Emperor Wen, then Prince of Dai, and Consort Dou, one of his favorite consorts, in 188 BC. He was his father's oldest son. After his father became emperor in November 180 BC, then-Prince Qi was made crown prince in February or March 179 BC. Two months later, his mother was made empress. In his childhood as crown prince, Pri...

    When he became Emperor, in contrast with many official's thinking, which was that Emperor Jing would be a bad leader like Jie, Zhou and You, with the danger of collapse of the Han dynasty imminent, the officials were shocked at Liu Qi's sudden change of personality and he proved to be a capable ruler. Emperor Jing was deeply and strongly influenced...

    The issue of dealing with powerful princes would soon erupt into a war later known as the Rebellion of the Seven States. Emperor Jing already had an inimical relationship with his cousin-once-removed (a nephew of his grandfather Emperor Gaozu) Liu Pi (劉濞), the prince of the wealthy Principality of Wu (modern southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang, sou...

    In 153 BC, because Empress Bo did not have a son, Emperor Jing made his oldest son Liu Rong (劉榮) crown prince. This made Liu Rong's mother, Consort Li (栗姬), who was one of Emperor Jing's favorite concubines, think she would be made empress, particularly after Empress Bo was deposed in 151 BC, following Grand Empress Dowager Bo's death. She hated Em...

    The late reign of Emperor Jing was marked by an incident for which he was much criticized: the death of Zhou Yafu, who had been instrumental in the victory against the Seven States. As prime minister, Zhou offended nearly every powerful figure around Emperor Jing, in particular his brother Prince Liu Wu and his mother Empress Dowager Dou (for refus...

    His reign, along with that of his father Emperor Wen, known as the Rule of Wen and Jing, was considered to be one of the golden ages in Chinese history. However, it is also apparent from his actions that he lacked the warmth and openness his father had, and in many ways his reign was marked by political intrigue and treachery. This coldness applied...

    These "era names" are not true "era names" in the sense that the era name system, as instituted by Emperor Jing's son Emperor Wu, had not come into place. Emperor Jing, in accordance to prior imperial calendaring systems, would have simply referred to the number of years in his reign, but for unknown reasons reset the count twice, thus requiring hi...

    Consorts and Issue: 1. Empress, of the Bo clan (皇后 薄氏; d. 147 BC), second cousin 2. Empress Xiaojing, of the Wang clan (孝景皇后 王氏; d. 126 BC), personal name Zhi (娡) 2.1. Grand Princess Yangxin (陽信長公主) 2.1.1. Married Cao Shi, Marquis Pingyang (曹時; d. 131 BC), and had issue (one son) 2.1.2. Married Xiahou Po, Marquis Ruyin (夏侯頗; d. 115 BC) 2.1.3. Marri...

    Book of Han, vol. 5.
    Zizhi Tongjian, vols. 15, 16.
    Barbieri-Low, Anthony J.; Yates, Robin D.S. (2015). Law, State, and Society in Early Imperial China. Sinica Leidensia. Vol. 1. Leiden: Brill Publishers. ISBN 978-90-04-30053-8.
    Sima Qian (1994) [c. 91 BC]. The Grand Scribe's Records. Vol. 2. Translated by W.H. Nienhauser; W. Cao; Scott W. Galer; W.H. Nienhauser; D.W. Pankenier. Indiana University Press. ISBN 9780253340221.
  4. 漢景帝劉啟(前188年—前141年3月9日),為西漢第六位皇帝(前157年7月14日-前141年3月9日在位),在位16年,享年48歲,其正式諡號為「孝景皇帝」,後世省略「孝」字稱「漢景帝」,景帝後元三年正月甲子(前141年3月9日)崩於未央宮,二月癸酉(3

  5. 汉景帝刘启 (前188年—前141年3月9日),为 西漢 第六位皇帝(前157年7月14日-前141年3月9日在位),在位16年,享年48岁,其正式諡號為「孝景皇帝」,後世省略「孝」字稱「漢景帝」,景帝後元三年 正月 甲子(前141年3月9日)崩于 未央宮, 二月 癸酉(3月18日 ...

  6. › zh-hant › 汉景帝漢景帝 - Wikiwand
