Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. HONG KONG — A doctor running as an independent won the mayor’s race in Taipei, the capital, on Saturday, as Taiwan’s governing party suffered heavy losses in local elections.In response to the defeats dealt to the party, which favors closer ties with China, the

  2. 前面這句話不拆開來解釋,但是可以推測出兩任總統是李登輝以及陳水扁,而後面這句則是最精隨的地方。 「生我者猴死我雕」典型的四三句式,前面四個字大都是在講中華民國國父是孫文(孫猴),但死我雕呢?

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Former Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian is to be released from prison after being granted one month of medical parole, officials say. 官方表示,前台灣總統陳水扁假釋保外就醫一個月。 Taiwan’s justice ministry said it had granted Chen parole due to various ailments including brain degeneration. 台灣法務部表示阿扁是因為多種疾病以及腦力退化等原因。

  5. 2017年2月13日 · Swattw 發佈於 8 年前. 偶然在Spotify聽到的歌, 少見的鄉村流行 (?), 透過迴圈式的副歌,引起我的興趣, 作者從7歲→11歲→20歲→30歲→一路寫到60歲. 很好聽,聽久了會上癮! Video unavailable. Watch on YouTube. “7 Years” Once I was seven years old, my mama told me, 在我七歲時,有次媽媽跟我說: “Go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely.” 「去交些朋友吧,不然你會很孤單」 Once I was seven years old. 即便我才七歲.

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